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ETSU Course Reviews

East Tennessee State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CSCI 1260Intro Computer Sci II32351
CSCI 3350Software Engineering II12221
CSCI 5507Computer Forensics00000
CSCI 2160Assembly Language00000
CSCI 1900Math for Computer Science00000
CSCI 1510Student In University00000
CSCI 1250Intro Computer Sci I00000
CSCI 1120Advanced Spreadsheets00000
CSCI 5990Reading & Research00000
CSCI 5930Soft Dev Proj 300000
CSCI 5920Soft Development Proj 200000
CSCI 5767Enterprise Programming00000
CSCI 5727Operating System00000
CSCI 5710Information Architecture00000
CSCI 5637Wireless and Mobile Computing00000
CSCI 5550Dir Research 100000
CSCI 3048Honors Methods Of Research00000
CSCI 5410Advanced Networking Concepts00000
CSCI 5260Artificial Intelligence00000
CSCI 5220Soft Ver & Valid00000
CSCI 5150Distributed Systems00000
CSCI 5047Data Analytics & Visualization00000
CSCI 5029Supervised Research00000
CSCI 5010Programming for Data Analytics00000
CSCI 4957Sp Top Comp Sci00000
CSCI 4905Internship00000
CSCI 4770Career Readiness in Comp IS00000
CSCI 4727Operating System00000
CSCI 5000Data Management00000
CSCI 5607Information Risk Management00000
CSCI 5960Thesis In CSCI00000
CSCI 5900Independent Study00000
CSCI 5730Enterprise Info Systems00000
CSCI 5677Internet of Things00000
CSCI 5551Dir Research 200000
CSCI 5520Research Methods00000
CSCI 5460Network & Info Security00000
CSCI 5317Internet and Computer Law00000
CSCI 5250Database Design00000
CSCI 5157Interactive Graphics00000
CSCI 5039Supervised Admin00000
CSCI 5019Supervised Teaching00000
CSCI 2910Server Side Web Prog00000
CSCI 4927Human Computer Interact00000
CSCI 4900Independent Study00000
CSCI 4767Enterprise Programming00000
CSCI 4637Wireless and Mobile Computing00000
CSCI 4417Intro To System Administration00000
CSCI 4250Software Engineer I00000
CSCI 4017Introduction to Info Assurance00000
CSCI 3700Enabling Business with IS00000
CSCI 3510Network Security00000
CSCI 3400Networking Fundamentals00000
CSCI 3230Algorithms00000
CSCI 4537Ethical Hacking00000
CSCI 4157Interactive Graphics00000
CSCI 5200Soft Sys Engring00000
CSCI 5050Decision Support Systems00000
CSCI 5030Decision Support Systems00000
CSCI 5017Introduction to Info Assurance00000
CSCI 4989Internship/Cooperative Educ00000
CSCI 4910Select Top C Sci00000
CSCI 4800Career Readiness in Comp IT00000
CSCI 4757Info Sys Implementation00000
CSCI 4717Comp Architecture00000
CSCI 4657Cloud Computing00000
CSCI 4507Computer Forensics00000
CSCI 4317Internet and Computer Law00000
CSCI 5230Soft Proj Mgmt00000
CSCI 4018Senior Honors Thesis00000
CSCI 3720Fund. of Business IS00000
CSCI 3600Computer Scripting00000
CSCI 3410Enterprise Info Security00000
CSCI 3250Software Engineer I00000
CSCI 3110Advanced Topics in Web Development00000
CSCI 3010Scripting for Data Management00000
CSCI 2200Unix Fundamentals00000
CSCI 2020Database Fundamentals00000
CSCI 1710Web Design and Development00000
CSCI 1200Adventures in Computing00000
CSCI 4607Information Risk Management00000
CSCI 1210Essentials of Web Development00000
CSCI 5270Machine Learning00000
CSCI 4350Software Engineering II00000
CSCI 4047Data Analytics & Visualization00000
CSCI 3989Internship/Cooperative Educ00000
CSCI 3610Secure Coding00000
CSCI 3500Information Security & Assurance00000
CSCI 3222Intro To Database Systems00000
CSCI 3020Database Advanced Topics00000
CSCI 2210Data Structures00000
CSCI 2150Computer Organization00000
CSCI 1720Intermediate Web00000
CSCI 1400PC Setup and Maintenance00000
CSCI 4677Internet of Things00000
CSCI 1100Using Information Tech00000
CSCI 5957Sp Top Comp Sci00000
CSCI 5927Human Computer Interact00000
CSCI 5910Soft Development Proj 100000
CSCI 5757Info Sys Implementation00000
CSCI 5717Comp Architecture00000
CSCI 5657Cloud Computing00000
CSCI 5620Analysis Of Algorithms00000
CSCI 5537Ethical Hacking00000
CSCI 5470Cyber Risk Governance00000
CSCI 5417Intro To System Administration00000
CSCI 5300Software Design00000