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FAU Course Reviews

Florida Atlantic University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
AMH 4930US Constitutional History00000
AMH 3630American Environmental History00000
AMH 4150The Age of Jefferson & Jackson00000
AMH 4270U.S. Since 194500000
AMH 4303Amer Materl Culture From 186000000
AMH 4350American Politics since 175000000
AMH 4460Urban Hist of United States00000
AMH 4558Law in U.S. History00000
AMH 4575The Civil Rights Movement00000
AMH 4620Religion in America00000
AMH 3560History of US Women00000
AMH 5905America and the Sea00000
AMH 2020US History since 187700000
AMH 3400The American South00000
AMH 3530Hist Amer Immigra & Ethnicity00000
AMH 3572African-Amrcn Hist since 187700000
AMH 4133The American Revolution00000
AMH 4231US Era WW I and WW II00000
AMH 4302Amer Material Cultr to 186000000
AMH 4512Diplomatic History of the U.S.00000
AMH 3372History of American Technology00000
AMH 3500Work/Workers in U.S. History00000
AMH 3571African-American Hist to 187700000
AMH 4110Colonial North America00000
AMH 4170Civil War & Reconstruction00000
AMH 4273America In The 1960S00000
AMH 4315History of US Drug Alcohol Use00000
AMH 4377Shppg Trvl Leis 20th C America00000
AMH 2010United States History to 187700000
AMH 4574Hist of African-Am Women00000
AMH 4611American Sports History00000
AMH 4694America and the Sea00000
AMH 4932Conspy Thry and Fake News00000
AMH 4970RI: Honors Thesis in Amer Hist00000
AMH 6939Urban Politics 1950-202100000
AMH 3371Amer Capitalism since 189000000
AMH 3420History of Florida00000