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FAU Course Reviews

Florida Atlantic University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ANT 3361Cultures of South Asia00000
ANT 4302Gender and Culture00000
ANT 4365Asian Medical Systems00000
ANT 4413Anthropol of Sex and Gender00000
ANT 4419Anthropology of Nature00000
ANT 4495Research Cultural/Social Anth00000
ANT 4905Directed Independent Study00000
ANT 4930South Florida Archaeology00000
ANT 4970RI: Honors Thesis in Anthrplgy00000
ANT 1933Honors Case Studies in Anthro00000
ANT 2410Culture and Society00000
ANT 2952Anthropology Study Abroad00000
ANT 3165South America Before Columbus00000
ANT 3241Anthropology of Religion00000
ANT 4244RI:Honors Ritual and Symbolism00000
ANT 3516Human Variation00000
ANT 4006Human and Cultural Rights00000
ANT 4141Dev of Ancient Civilization00000
ANT 4241Honors Ritual And Symbolism00000
ANT 4266Economic Anthropology00000
ANT 4315African-American Anthropology00000
ANT 4368Honors Himalayan Culture00000
ANT 4414Cultural Anthropology00000
ANT 4433Psychological Anthropology00000
ANT 4469Culture, Gender and Health00000
ANT 4552Primate Behavior00000
ANT 4918Directed Independent Research00000
ANT 4957Anthropology Study Abroad00000
ANT 4520Forensic Anthropology00000
ANT 2511Intro Biological Anthropology00000
ANT 3163The Maya and Their Neighbors00000
ANT 3212Peoples Around World00000
ANT 3332Honors Peoples of Latin Amer00000
ANT 3404Honors How Cultures Remembr00000
ANT 3610Anthropological Linguistics00000
ANT 4116Archaeological Research Methds00000
ANT 4192Resrch Methods Bioarchaeology00000
ANT 4274The Anthropology of Politics00000
ANT 4331Honors Anthropology of Andes00000
ANT 4409Anthropol Peace and Violence00000
ANT 4417Honors Theory Cultural Anth00000
ANT 4463Environment and Disease00000
ANT 2000Introduction to Anthropology00000
ANT 4917Directed Independent Research00000
ANT 4940Internship in Anthropology00000
ANT 4972Honors Thesis in Anthropology00000
ANT 1930Honors Culture And Society00000
ANT 2240Honors Magic, Wtchcrft, Relgn00000
ANT 2511LIntro Biological Anthro Lab00000
ANT 3190Real Archaeology00000
ANT 3312Native-Amer Culture & Society00000
ANT 3391Anth Film:Intro/Visual Anth00000
ANT 3586Human Evolution00000
ANT 4025Anthropology of Death00000
ANT 4158Florida Archaeology00000