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FIU Course Reviews

Florida International University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BCN 3740Legal Aspects22341
BCN 4255CBuilding Information Modeling00000
BCN 5738Construction Safety Management00000
BCN 5755Construction Financial Management00000
BCN 5772Management of Construction Organizations00000
BCN 5792Total Quality Management and Planning in Construction00000
BCN 5949Graduate Construction Management Internship00000
BCN 6785Advanced Estimating and Bidding Strategy00000
BCN 6910Supervised Research00000
BCN 6971Thesis00000
BCN 1272Plans Interpretation00000
BCN 2253Building Construction Drawing00000
BCN 2402Structural Design I00000
BCN 3027Prin Contruct Mgt00000
BCN 3720Construction Scheduling I00000
BCN 3761Construction Documentation and Communication00000
BCN 5706Interdisciplinary Aspects of Housing00000
BCN 4561Environmental Control in Buildings I00000
BCN 4703Management of Construction Projects00000
BCN 4905Independent Study00000
BCN 5585Sustainable Construction00000
BCN 5626Construction Cost Analysis and Control00000
BCN 5716Productivity in Construction00000
BCN 5741Construction Claims00000
BCN 5766Codes and Regulations00000
BCN 5774Topics in International Construction00000
BCN 5905Directed Independent Studies00000
BCN 6642Value Engineering In Construction00000
BCN 6788CArtificial Intelligence Applications in Construction Managem...00000
BCN 6912Project in Construction Engineering and Management00000
BCN 6675Decision and Risk Analysis in Construction00000
BCN 5746Construction Legal Environment00000
BCN 2210Construction Materials and Methods00000
BCN 2280Const Surveying00000
BCN 2405Structural Design I00000
BCN 3611Const Estimating I00000
BCN 3727Construction Sitework and Equipment00000
BCN 3753Financial Management of Construction Organizations00000
BCN 3949Industry Internship00000
BCN 4465Temp Structures00000
BCN 4570Sustainable Approach to Construction00000
BCN 4724Scheduling II00000
BCN 4910Senior Project00000
BCN 5589Hazard Mitigation00000
BCN 5645Construction Economic Analysis00000
BCN 5728Principles of Construction Scheduling00000
BCN 1013Prin Contruct Mgt00000
BCN 5771Management and Marketing of Construction Services00000
BCN 5784Construction Information Systems00000
BCN 5906Special Topics00000
BCN 6775Decision and Risk Analysis in Construction00000
BCN 6795Automation in Construction00000
BCN 6916Developments in Construction Technologies00000
BCN 3730Construction Safety00000
BCN 3762Building Codes and Quality Control00000
BCN 4431Structural Design II00000
BCN 4564Env Control II00000
BCN 4612Construction Cost Estimating II00000
BCN 4794Quality Control in Construction00000
BCN 5406Principles of Building Structures for Construction Managemen...00000
BCN 5618Fundamentals of Construction Estimating00000