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Fordham Course Reviews

Fordham University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ARHI 2525Museums from Revolution to Restitution (1793-present)00000
ARHI 4530GENDER AND MODERN ART (Eloquentia Perfecta 3)00000
ARHI 4555Art and Ecology00000
ARHI 4999Intrn:Museum Of Arts/Design00000
ARHI 1100Art History Introduction: World Art00000
ARHI 1103Introduction to Art History: Americas (Fine Arts Core/Global...00000
ARHI 2221Japanese Visual Culture: Prehistory to Present00000
ARHI 2250Ancient American Art00000
ARHI 2305Gods, Monsters, Heroes, and Mortals: Narrative in Greek Art00000
ARHI 2315Roman Art00000
ARHI 2341Medieval Desire And Devotion00000
ARHI 2365Medieval Art and the Museum00000
ARHI 2430Renaissance Portraits00000
ARHI 251018th CENTURY ART00000
ARHI 4230Art and Ethics: Articulating Function in the Visual Arts00000
ARHI 253019th Century Art00000
ARHI 2535History of Photography00000
ARHI 2551Russian Art Of The Avant-Garde00000
ARHI 2553Art, Gender, and Sexuality in Asia00000
ARHI 2621Art and Fashion in the Modern Age00000
ARHI 3300Art Crime And The Law00000
ARHI 3455Michelangelo00000
ARHI 3621Museum Collaboration: Garmenting:Costume and Contemporary Ar...00000
ARHI 4250Aztec Art (Interdisciplinary Capstone Core/Global Studies)00000
ARHI 4540Seminar: Modern Art00000
ARHI 4600Senior Seminar00000
ARHI 5100Contemporary Art In Exhibition00000
ARHI 2320The Fall Of Ancient Rome: A Material Culture Investigation00000
ARHI 2223Art And War In Japan (Globalism)00000
ARHI 2571Topics In Modern Art00000
ARHI 3200Museum Studies in Ancient Art00000
ARHI 3480Art and Architecture in London00000
ARHI 4100Contemporary Art In Exhibition00000
ARHI 4435Art of the Tudor Courts (ICC)00000
ARHI 4562Art and the Second World War00000
ARHI 5555Art and Ecology00000
ARHI 1101Introduction to Art History: Europe00000
ARHI 2211Art Of China: Spirit/Society ( Globalism )00000
ARHI 2230ISLAMIC ART (Global Studies)00000
ARHI 2257Modern Latin American Art00000
ARHI 2311Athens and Ancient Greece: Athens and Pericles in the Fifth...00000
ARHI 1102Introduction to Art History: Asia00000
ARHI 2360Illuminated Manuscripts00000
ARHI 2410Northern Renaissance Art00000
ARHI 245017th Century Art00000
ARHI 2520American Art00000
ARHI 2526Art and the Black Atlantic00000
ARHI 2534The Victorian City: Art and Architecture in the 19th Century...00000
ARHI 255020th Century Art00000
ARHI 2552Modernity in Asia (EP3, Global Studies)00000
ARHI 2620Introduction to Fashion History00000
ARHI 3100Museum Methods00000
ARHI 3350Age Of Cathedrals00000
ARHI 3555Contemporary Art00000