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Fordham Course Reviews

Fordham University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
POSC 3311American Social Movements54551
POSC 3121New York City Politics00000
POSC 5500Comparative Pol Analysis00000
POSC 6530Political Economy of Development00000
POSC 8900Ma Thesis Research I00000
POSC 1100Introduction to Politics(EP1)00000
POSC 2102Introduction to Urban Politics00000
POSC 2205The U.S. Congress00000
POSC 2501Introduction to International Politics00000
POSC 5245Political Communications: Earned Media In the Age of Digital...00000
POSC 3210Civil Rights and Liberties00000
POSC 3215American Political Parties00000
POSC 3219Constitutional Law and the Death Penality00000
POSC 3223Constitutional Law: Criminal Justice00000
POSC 3228Civil Rights00000
POSC 3232Family Law, And Society00000
POSC 3234Government's Response to Organized Crime00000
POSC 3307Environmental Politics00000
POSC 4260Sem: Pol Sex & Sexuality in US00000
POSC 3624The Qu'Ran In Global Politics (Advanced Social Science Core)00000
POSC 3632China & The U.S. In The Global Era00000
POSC 3641Latin American Politics (Global Studies)00000
POSC 3652State-Society Relations in the Middle East00000
POSC 4001Rhetorical Arts & Politics in the Ignatian Tradition: A Lond...00000
POSC 4015American Economic Policymaking00000
POSC 4037Social Movements and Revolutions00000
POSC 4210Seminar: State, Family, and Society00000
POSC 5251Political Survey Research00000
POSC 4400Seminar: Global Justice00000
POSC 4420Seminar: Nationalism and Democracy00000
POSC 4535Sem: Post-Cold War Human Rights And Protection Architecture00000
POSC 4881Seminar Supreme Court00000
POSC 4999A History of NYC Politics00000
POSC 5238Strategies of Political Communication00000
POSC 3310Racial and Ethnic Politics00000
POSC 4800Politics Of Contemp Policing00000
POSC 3653Religion and Society in the Middle East00000
POSC 4002Seminar: Global Migration00000
POSC 4020Place Space & Immigrant Cities (Interdisciplinary Capstone C...00000
POSC 4040The Political Economy of Sustainable Development00000
POSC 4215Sem: Presidential Elections00000
POSC 4305Seminar: American Politics00000
POSC 4515Seminar: International Politics of Peace00000
POSC 4545Seminar: Russian Politics and Society00000
POSC 3645Politics of Immigration00000
POSC 5100American Political Behavior00000
POSC 5140Themes in Urban Public Policy and Power00000
POSC 5243Campaign Finance and Ethics00000
POSC 5250Introduction to Quantitative Analysis00000
POSC 5560Conflict Resolution00000
POSC 6552Political Economy of the Middle East00000
POSC 8901Ma Thesis Research II00000
POSC 3610Political Economy of Development00000
POSC 3613Political Movements00000
POSC 3540Politics of Cyberspace00000
POSC 3531Us Security Policy00000
POSC 3526Democracy, Terrorism, and Modern Life00000
POSC 3520Mideast and the World00000
POSC 3511War and Peace00000
POSC 3436Capitalism & Its Alternatives00000
POSC 3422Politics of the Present00000
POSC 3416Liberalism and Its Critics00000
POSC 3413Contemporary Political Philosophy00000
POSC 3411Classical Political Thought00000
POSC 3327Gender and Sexuality in US Politics00000
POSC 3319Film and Politics00000
POSC 3315Political Participation00000
POSC 3312Introduction to Environmental Politics00000
POSC 3614Political Institutions00000
POSC 3418Islamic Political Thought00000
POSC 3426Sex Wars00000
POSC 3456LATE MODERN POLITICAL THOUGHT (Advanced Social Science Core)00000
POSC 3515Revolution00000
POSC 3521Global Governance00000
POSC 3527United Nations Peace Operations00000
POSC 3532The Development of Human Rights Law00000
POSC 3605Comparative Democracy (Globalism/Advanced Social Science Cor...00000
POSC 3414Politics,Nature And History (Advanced Social Science Core)00000
POSC 3621European Politics00000
POSC 3636China and the Global Economy00000
POSC 3651Comparative Politics of the Middle East00000
POSC 3915International Political Economy00000
POSC 4013Religion And American Politics (Interdisciplinary Capstone C...00000
POSC 4025Youth and Politics00000
POSC 3231Judicial Politics00000
POSC 2002West Wing Ilc00000
POSC 2203Introduction to the American Legal System00000
POSC 2610Introduction to Comparative Politics00000
POSC 3131Politics, Urban Health, and Environment00000
POSC 3213Interest Group Politics00000
POSC 3216American Political Institutions00000
POSC 3220Criminal Law&Justice; In The Us (Advanced Social Science Cor...00000
POSC 3225Human Trafficking and the Law00000
POSC 4055What Is College For?00000
POSC 3233Youth and the Law00000
POSC 3301Campaigns and Elections00000
POSC 3309Gender in American Politics00000
POSC 3313Political Psychology00000
POSC 3316Mass Media And American Politics00000
POSC 3326Latino Politics00000
POSC 3408The Civil Rights Movement and the Courts00000
POSC 3420Women And Film00000
POSC 2800Introduction to Political Economy00000
POSC 3209Constitutional Law & Democracy00000
POSC 3214The U.S. Congress00000
POSC 3217The American Presidency00000
POSC 3321American Public Policy00000
POSC 3404American Political Thought00000
POSC 3412Modern Political Thought00000
POSC 3415Politics, Reason, and Revelation00000
POSC 2401Introduction to Political Philosophy00000
POSC 3429Democratic Theory00000
POSC 3507International Human Rights00000
POSC 3516Conflict Analysis/Resolution00000
POSC 3522United Nations00000
POSC 3530U.S. Foreign Policy00000
POSC 3534The International Politics of Civilian Protection00000
POSC 0936Master's Comp Exam-Pol.Sci.00000
POSC 3616Political Economy of Poverty00000
POSC 2202Introduction to American Politics00000
POSC 2001Political Analysis00000
POSC 0912Requirement Preparation00000
POSC 6640Politics of Global Economic Relations00000
POSC 5600Analysis of Int'l Pol00000
POSC 5255Public Opinion Certificate Practicum00000
POSC 5247Data Analytics For Political Campaigns00000
POSC 5240Fundamentals of Political Campaign Management00000
POSC 5130Political Institutions and Processes00000
POSC 4900Seminar: Democracy, Development, and the Global Economy00000
POSC 4620Seminar: The World of Democracy00000
POSC 4526Seminar: The Politics of Humanitarian Intervention00000
POSC 4401Seminar - Urban Politics00000
POSC 4315Sem: Polarization In American Politics00000
POSC 4216Seminar: Campaigns and Elections00000