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Fresno State Course Reviews

California State University, Fresno

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ART 27Screenprinting00000
ART 152Intermediate Sculpture00000
ART 133Alternative Approaches to Digital Imagery00000
ART 128Advanced Printmaking00000
ART 126Intaglio00000
ART 125Lithography00000
ART 121Figure Drawing00000
ART 116Advanced Color Theory00000
ART 37Introduction to Computer Art00000
ART 155Sculpture: Foundry00000
ART 21Figure Drawing00000
ART 16Introduction to Color Theory00000
ART 13Design00000
ART 253Graduate Sculpture00000
ART 241Graduate Painting00000
ART 230Seminar in Art Theory00000
ART 198IInternship in Art00000
ART 198Internship in Art00000
ART 299CThesis Continuation00000
ART 299Thesis00000
ART 298CProject Continuation00000
ART 298Project00000
ART 290Independent Study00000
ART 260Seminar in Art History00000
ART 240Seminar in Art Studio00000
ART 224Graduate Printmaking00000
ART 190Independent Study00000
ART 188Digital Video Art00000
ART 187CAdvanced 3D Digital Art - Character00000
ART 1842D Animation 200000
ART 183Extended Projects in Photography00000
ART 1812-D Animation 100000
ART 170Crafts00000
ART 161Advanced Ceramics00000
ART 60Beginning Ceramics00000
ART 112Gallery Techniques00000
ART 109TAlternative Process Photography00000
ART 106Art Tours00000
ART 102Ideas of Visual Culture: Art, Media, and the Computer00000
ART 101Content and Form00000
ART 100TZLondon Art Tours00000
ART 80Beginning 3D Digital Art - Modeling00000
ART 70Crafts00000
ART 113Design00000
ART 50Beginning Sculpture00000
ART 45Watercolor00000
ART 40Painting00000
ART 30Introduction to Photography00000
ART 24Beginning Printmaking00000
ART 20Drawing00000
ART 143 Dimensional Design00000
ART 1Art Forms00000
ART 120Intermediate Drawing00000
ART 123Advanced Drawing00000
ART 124Relief Printmaking00000
ART 127Screenprinting00000
ART 130Intermediate Black and White Photography00000
ART 140Intermediate Painting00000
ART 141Advanced Painting00000
ART 153Advanced Sculpture00000
ART 160Intermediate Ceramics00000
ART 166Glass Blowing Studio00000
ART 179Development of Artistic Expression00000
ART 182Large Format Photography00000
ART 184S2D Animation 2 SL00000
ART 186Intermediate 3D Digital Art - Animation00000
ART 187AAdvanced 3D Digital Art - Environment00000