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FSC Course Reviews

Farmingdale State College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BIO 212TBioscience LaboratoryPractices00000
BIO 325Evolution00000
BIO 318TMedical Microbiology00000
BIO 316LGeneral Microbiology (Lab)00000
BIO 310TIchthyology00000
BIO 271LAnatomy & Physiology II-Lab00000
BIO 270LAnatomy & Physiology I-Lab00000
BIO 240WBioethics00000
BIO 221LOral Microbiology-Laboratory00000
BIO 220LMedical Microbiology Lab00000
BIO 330TPrinciples of Ecology00000
BIO 198LEntomology (Lab)00000
BIO 197Human Biology00000
BIO 192TBotany00000
BIO 171LHuman Anat & Physiology II Lab00000
BIO 170THuman Anatomy & Physiology I00000
BIO 166LPrin Human Antomy & Physio Lab00000
BIO 131TBiological Principles II00000
BIO 130LBiological Principles I Lab00000
BIO 125Principles of Nutrition00000
BIO 414TMicrobiology00000
BIO 485LBioscience Internship VI00000
BIO 483LBioscience Internship IV00000
BIO 481LBioscience Internship II *AL00000
BIO 479LBioscience Internship B200000
BIO 477LBioscience Internship A200000
BIO 460Cancer Biology00000
BIO 451Human Evolutionary Anatomy00000
BIO 441LMolecular Biology Lab00000
BIO 420Principles of Immunobiology00000
BIO 123THuman Body/Health&Disease00000
BIO 410Developmental Biology00000
BIO 380Pre-Professional Experience I *AL00000
BIO 365Neurology of Pain00000
BIO 355TEcological Topics: The Structure and Function of Nature00000
BIO 349LCell Biology Laboratory00000
BIO 345Introduction to Bioinformatics00000
BIO 343TPrinciples of Genetics00000
BIO 335TPlant Systematics00000
BIO 210Introduction to Bioscience00000
BIO 318LMedical Microbiology (Lab)00000
BIO 316TGeneral Microbiology00000
BIO 310LIchthyology00000
BIO 271TAnatomy and Physiology II00000
BIO 270TAnatomy and Physiology I00000
BIO 240Bioethics00000
BIO 221TOral Microbiology00000
BIO 220TMedical Microbiology00000
BIO 212LBioscience LaboratoryPractices00000
BIO 330LPrinciples of Ecology00000
BIO 198TEntomology00000
BIO 192LBotany Lab00000
BIO 171THuman Anatomy & Physiology II00000
BIO 170LHuman Anat & Physiology I Lab00000
BIO 166TPrin of Human Anatomy & Physio00000
BIO 131LBiological Principles II Lab00000
BIO 130TBiological Principles I00000
BIO 123LHuman Body/Hlth & Disease Lab00000
BIO 121Health, Heredity and Behavior00000
BIO 415Human Virology00000
BIO 120TGeneral Biology00000
BIO 484LBioscience Internship V00000
BIO 482LBioscience Internship III00000
BIO 480LBioscience Internship I *AL00000
BIO 478LBioscience Internship B100000
BIO 476LBioscience Internship A100000
BIO 455Validation&Regulatory Affairs00000
BIO 441TMolecular Biology *AL00000
BIO 435Cancer Biology00000
BIO 120LGeneral Biology Lab00000
BIO 414LMicrobiology00000
BIO 381Pre-Professional Experience II *AL00000
BIO 360Principals Of Immunobiology00000
BIO 355LEcological Topics : The Structure and Function of Nature (La...00000
BIO 348TCell Biology00000
BIO 344LPrinciples of Genetics Labora00000
BIO 340Biopharmaceutical Regulation00000
BIO 335LPlant Systematics Lab00000