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FSC Course Reviews

Farmingdale State College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CON 408Structures00000
CON 401WConst Project Mgmt & Sched00000
CON 365Highway Design & Construction00000
CON 357Quantity Surveying and Costing00000
CON 350Intro to Construction Engineer00000
CON 303LHydraulics (Laboratory)00000
CON 302LSoils, Found,Earth Struc Lab00000
CON 207Elements Strength of Materials00000
CON 161Materials/Methods of Constr I00000
CON 106Statics00000
CON 103LSurveying (Lab)00000
CON 496Capstone Project00000
CON 409Structural Design00000
CON 103TSurveying00000
CON 407Building Commissioning00000
CON 406Advanced Project Planning&Sche00000
CON 402TCivil Engineering Materials00000
CON 402LCivil Engineer Material Lab00000
CON 399Applied Research Topics00000
CON 361Bldg/Environmental Codes-Regs00000
CON 355Construc Mgmt Fin & Acctng Pri00000
CON 303THydraulics00000
CON 302TSoils, Foundatns, Earth Struc00000
CON 299Construction/Architecture Internship00000
CON 162Materials/Methods of Constr II00000
CON 121Graphics II00000