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FSC Course Reviews

Farmingdale State College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
DEN 201TPain Management00000
DEN 235Clinical Dental Hygiene III*AL00000
DEN 301WCurrent Issues in Dental Hygiene (Writing Intensive)00000
DEN 303Practice Management for Quality Assurance00000
DEN 310Teaching Strat. Health Care Ed00000
DEN 335Essentials of ClinicalPracI*AL00000
DEN 401WHealthSci Research:Prin & Mthd00000
DEN 409Dental Hygiene Practicum *AL00000
DEN 440Senior Seminar II00000
DEN 015Skills Refresher Course00000
DEN 105TDental and Oral Anatomy00000
DEN 108Oral Histology & Embryology00000
DEN 222Community Oral Health II00000
DEN 205Oral Pathology00000
DEN 221WCommunity Oral Health I (Writing Intensive)00000
DEN 230Preventive Oral Health Concepts III00000
DEN 245Clinical Dental Hyg IV00000
DEN 302LPrinc of Dental Anethesia Lab00000
DEN 322Dental Public Health Planning00000
DEN 340Dental Hyg Law & Prac Mgmt00000
DEN 402Gerontology00000
DEN 407Dental Hygiene Practicum Seminar00000
DEN 435Advanced Dental Hygiene Practice I00000
DEN 345Essentials of Clin Prac II *AL00000
DEN 106LOral Radiology I00000
DEN 110Preventive Oral Health Concepts I00000
DEN 126Periodontology00000
DEN 203Principles of Nutrition for Oral Health Professionals00000
DEN 220Preventive OralHealth ConcptII00000
DEN 225Clinical Dental Hygiene II00000
DEN 240Den Prac Mgt: Ethics & Juris00000
DEN 302TPrinc of Dental Anesthesia00000
DEN 309Oral Epidemiology in Public Health00000
DEN 330Essentials of Clinical Practice Theory00000
DEN 102TDental Matl & Expand Functions00000
DEN 406WProposals & Grant Mngmt Health00000
DEN 430Senior Seminar I00000
DEN 445Adv Dental Hygiene Prac II00000
DEN 102LDental Matl & Expand Funct Lab00000
DEN 105LDental and Oral Anatomy (Lab)00000
DEN 106TOral Radiology I00000
DEN 115Clinical Dental Hygiene I00000
DEN 201LPain Management (Lab)00000
DEN 207Oral Radiology II00000
DEN 212Pharmacology00000