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FSW Course Reviews

Florida SouthWestern State College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
PHI 2600Ethics43421
MCB 2010CMicrobiology32331
PHI 2100Introduction to Logic32321
CHD 1134Mgmt Early Childhood Learning00000
CGS 1000Computer Literacy00000
ART 2910Undergraduate Research00000
ARH 1051History Of Art II00000
CHM 2032Gen Chm for Health Sciences00000
BCN 1230CMaterials/Methods Construct00000
CHM 2211Organic Chemistry II00000
BCT 1773Bldg Const Estim Sched Cost00000
BUL 2241Business Law00000
ART 2601CIntermediate Computer Art00000
CGS 2260Computer Hard-Software Maint00000
ANT 2534Race: Biology & Culture00000
CHD 2324Early Childhood Lang Arts Read00000
AVM 2120Air Cargo Operations00000
CHM 2046General Chemistry II00000
AMH 2010History of the Us to 187700000
CJE 1300Police Organiz & Admin00000
ART 1203CThree-Dimensional Design00000
AMH 2091African-American History00000
BSC 1005General Biology00000
ART 1301CDrawing II00000
BSC 1010LBiological Science I Lab00000
BSC 1011Biological Science II00000
BSC 1094CAnat & Phys II00000
ART 2527CAbstract Painting00000
CCJ 1010Introduction to Criminology00000
ANT 1410Intro Cultural Anthro00000
CGS 2108Computer App With Flowcharting00000
ART 2750CCeramics I00000
CGS 2811Disaster Recover/Incident Resp00000
ACG 3103Intermediate Accounting I00000
CHD 1220Intro to Child Development00000
ASL 1150Intermediate Amer. Sign Lang.00000
CHM 2025LIntro to College Chem Lab00000
ARH 1000Art Appreciation00000
CHM 2045LGeneral Chemistry I Lab00000
BCN 1040Intro To Sustainability In Con00000
CHM 2210LOrganic Chemistry I Lab00000
ACG 2450Accounting Software Appl00000
CIS 2321Systems Analysis and Design00000
BCN 2710Construction Procedures00000
CJE 1640Intro to Crime Scene Tech00000
AMH 2020History of U.S. Since 187700000
BSC 1005CGeneral Biology00000
ART 1300CDrawing I00000
BSC 1005LGeneral Biology Lab00000
ACG 2500Govt & Not For Profit Acctg00000
BSC 1010Biological Science I00000
ART 1330CFigure Drawing00000
AML 2010Lit Of The U.S. I: To 186000000
BSC 1011LBiological Science II Lab00000
ART 2012CMedia Exploration00000
BSC 1050CEnv Bio-Global Environment00000
BSC 1051CEnvironmental Bio-Sw Fl Eco00000
BSC 1093CAnatomy & Phys I00000
ART 2501CPainting II00000
BSC 2910Undergraduate Research00000
AML 2600Intro to African American Lit00000
BUL 2561Cyber Law00000
ART 2600CIntro To Electronic Art00000
CCJ 1020Intro to Criminal Justice00000
ACG 3024Acctg for Non Acctng Majors00000
CGS 1100Computer App for Business00000
ART 2616CDigital Art And Animation00000
CGS 2135Intro to Computer Forensics00000
ANT 1511Intro Physical Anthropology00000
CGS 2511Adv Spreadsheet Computing00000
ART 2751CCeramics II00000
CHD 1120Infant/Toddler Development00000
ACG 2071Managerial Accounting00000
CHD 1135Understdng Young Children00000
ASL 1140American Sign Language00000
CHD 1332Creative Exper for Young Child00000
ARC 1211Intro To Architecture00000
CHM 2025Intro to College Chemistry00000
AST 2002CAstronomy00000
CHM 2032LGen Chm Health Sciences Lab00000
ACG 3341Cost Accounting00000
CHM 2045General Chemistry I00000
BAN 1004Prin Banking/Credit Union Op00000
CHM 2046LGeneral Chemistry II Lab00000
ARH 1050History Of Art I00000
CHM 2210Organic Chemistry I00000
BCN 1230Materials/Methods Construct00000
CHM 2211LOrganic Chemistry II Lab00000
ACG 2011Financial Accounting II00000
CHM 2910Undergraduate Research Chemist00000
BCN 1272Blueprint Reading00000
CJC 1000Introduction to Corrections00000
ART 1201CBasic Design00000
ART 2205CColor Theory00000
BSC 1084CAnatomy & Phys00000
BSC 1085CAnat & Phys I00000
BCT 1760Building Codes00000
ACG 1001Financial Accounting I00000
ACG 2021Financial Accounting00000
ACG 2930Spec Top Capstone Accounting00000