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Gallaudet Course Reviews

Gallaudet University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ART 295Special Topics00000
ART 131Beginning Photography00000
ART 140Art History00000
ART 160Design I00000
ART 170Introduction to Drawing00000
ART 219Modern Art00000
ART 222Caves to Computers: The Evolution of the Graphic Arts00000
ART 236Robotics and Interactivity00000
ART 255Digital Photography00000
ART 270Typography00000
ART 110Introduction to Television, Film and Photography00000
ART 350Studies in Drawing: [medium to be specified]00000
ART 363Photojournalism00000
ART 392Studies in Graphic Design00000
ART 440Production Design00000
ART 460Studies in Photography00000
ART 490Senior Studio00000
ART 492Internship00000
ART 499Independent Study00000
ART 290Web Design I00000
ART 135Digital Media I00000
ART 150Fundamentals of Design in Art00000
ART 195Special Topics00000
ART 220Beginning Painting00000
ART 224Digital Media II00000
ART 227Ceramics:Advanced Hand-building & Wheel00000
ART 251Women in Art00000
ART 260Design II00000
ART 126Ceramics:Basic Hand-building Techniques00000
ART 342Advanced Digital Media00000
ART 361Advanced Design00000
ART 390Web Design II00000
ART 395Special Topics00000
ART 450Studies in Art History: (topic to be specified)00000
ART 470Studies in Painting: [medium to be specified]00000
ART 491Portfolio/Senior Exhibit00000
ART 495Special Topics00000