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GC Course Reviews

Graduate Center (CUNY)

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
HIST 72800Topics: Intellectual Cultural History00000
MALS 78200Politics Contemp Urban Educ00000
CLAS 79900Thesis Supervision00000
FIN 83200Sem Cap Mrkts/Portfolio Theory00000
CRJ 88900ST: Criminal Justice00000
CHEM 86917Computers in Chemistry00000
LING 82200ST: Linguistics00000
AUD 77801Topics in Audiology00000
CNS 70300Neuroanatomy00000
BICM 71010Advanced Biochemistry I00000
EPSY 71700Lang & Comm Dev: Resch & Educ00000
EES 71700Earth System II00000
BUS 90000Dissertation Supervision00000
FREN 84000Seminar in 18 Century Literature00000
AUD 70100Essntls Biostats in Audiology00000
LING 72100Syntax I00000
CL 89100Hist Lit Thry and Criticism I00000
MALS 72000Thesis Writing Course00000
ANTH 82100ST:Cultural Anthropology00000
MATH 70911Research Seminar00000
AUD 79800Independent Study00000
CRJ 70500Survey of Criminoligy II00000
ANTH 85000ST: Archaeology00000
CSC 79000Ind Study/Research Project00000
BICM 87001Bioinformatics with Practicum00000
ENGL 89900The Practice of the PhD in English II00000
ENGL 78100Literature, Gender & Sexuality00000
BIOL 79304Seminar in Special Topics00000
EPSY 88000Seminars in Special Topics00000
ART 86010ST: Late 18th and 19th Century Art and Architecture00000
FREN 77300Structuralism & Post-Structuralism00000
CHEM 79500First Level Laboratory Research00000
HIST 70900Studies Modern European History00000
ANTH 80600ST: Anthropological Research00000
IMS 79000Capstone00000
CL 80900Seminar in Renaissance Lit00000
LING 76100Sociolinguistics00000
AUD 74600Pediatric Audiology00000
MALS 70200Pol/Hist/Soc Profile of NYC00000
CLAS 71500History of the Greek Language00000
MALS 73800Internship00000
ANTH 72100ST: Cultural Anthropology00000
MALS 79000Thesis/Capstone Project00000
CLAS 82600ST: Greco-Roman Lit: (topic)00000
MATH 81600ST: Complex Variables00000
ANTH 83600ST: Archaeology00000
CRJ 70000Quantitative Methods Crim Just I00000
BAM 70400Ethical Problems in Biography and Memoir00000
CRJ 76300Data Management00000
ANTH 73400Ethnol/nog of Selected Areas00000
CSC 72020Distributed Operating Systems00000
BICM 72010Basic Seminar in Biochem I00000
CSC 82000ST: Theoretical Comp Science00000
ANTH 87700ST:Linguistic Anthropology00000
EES 81000Resch for the Doct Dissert00000
BIOL 71013Molecular Biology: Lecture00000
ENGL 87400Studies in Visual Media00000
ENGL 80600Problems in Contemporary Thry00000
BIOL 78002Mathematical Biology: Lab00000
EPSY 70500Stat & Comp Programming I00000
ART 80010ST: Art History00000
EPSY 83500Categorical Data Analysis00000
BUS 87401Sem: Organizationl Behavior I00000
FIN 77000Internat Fin Mrkts/Institutns00000
ANTH 78900Phys Anth Professional Development00000
FREN 70700Literature and French Film00000
CHEM 76000Introductory Quantum Chemistry00000
FREN 80100ST:Linguistics00000
ART 89700Independent Research00000
FREN 90000Dissertation Supervision00000
CHEM 81000Doctoral Dissertation Research00000
HIST 72200Topics in Gender and Sexuality00000
ANTH 71400ST: Cultural Anthropology00000
IDS 81650Selected Topics in IDS00000
CIS 84000Selected Topics: Info Systems00000
LING 70200Historical Linguistics00000
AUD 73000Amplification I00000
LING 73100Structure Individual Language00000
CL 87000Sem:Studies in European Drama00000
LING 79400ST: Linguistics00000
ANTH 81500ST:Cultural Anthropology00000
LING 86600ST: Bilingualism & Urban Ling00000
CL 90000Dissertation Supervision00000
MALS 70800Transform Modernity, 1914-pres00000
AUD 76500Audiologic Research Proposal00000
MALS 72800Topics in Environmental Social Science00000
CLAS 73200Roman Law00000
MALS 74700Topics in Material History00000
ANTH 70200History of Cultural Anthropology II00000
MALS 78700Citational Practices and Politics00000
CLAS 81800ST: Greek History00000
MATH 70500Algebra00000
AUD 79006Audiology Practicum VI00000
CNS 70002Neuroscience II00000
AFCP 70100Intro to Africana Studies00000
ANTH 70800ST: Cultural Anthropology00000
ANTH 77800ST: Linguistic Anthropology00000
ART 70000Methods of Research00000
BIOL 73001Plant Physiology: Lecture00000
ENGL 85500African Am/Africana Lit/Clture00000