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GC Course Reviews

Graduate Center (CUNY)

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CSC 84020ST: Adaptive Systems Neural Networks and Deep Learning00000
CSC 80020Computer Science Research00000
CSC 80100Seminar in Computer Science00000
CSC 81300ST: Software Syst & Engineerng00000
CSC 82000ST: Theoretical Comp Science00000
CSC 82005Advanced Computer Networks00000
CSC 82300Readings in Computer Systems00000
CSC 83060Data Visualization00000
CSC 84000Advanced Natural Language Processing00000
CSC 84010ST: Artificial Intelligence00000
CSC 80010Research Survey00000
CSC 84040Data Mining00000
CSC 85010ST: Logics and Their Uses00000
CSC 85020ST: Theoretical Computer Sci00000
CSC 85040ST: Computational Complexity00000
CSC 86100Algebraic and Numerical Computation00000
CSC 86180Capstone I00000
CSC 86210Capstone Internship in Data Science00000
CSC 90000Dissertation Supervision00000
CSC 86030Selected Topics in Simulation Methodology00000
CSC 72010Computer Networks00000
CSC 73010Cryptography & Computer Security00000
CSC 74020Machine Learning00000
CSC 74040Natural Language Processing00000
CSC 79000Ind Study/Research Project00000
CSC 84030Big Data Analytics00000
CSC 84200Sem:Artfcl Int/Cog Science00000
CSC 85030ST:Cryptography & CompSecurity00000
CSC 70010Algorithms00000
CSC 86120Modeling and Simulation00000
CSC 86190Capstone II00000
CSC 87100Selected Topics: Computer Science00000
CSC 71010Programming Language00000
CSC 72020Distributed Operating Systems00000
CSC 74011Artificial Intelligence00000
CSC 74030Computer Vision/Image Procssng00000
CSC 75100Fundamentals of Computer Science00000