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GC Course Reviews

Graduate Center (CUNY)

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ENGL 85500African Am/Africana Lit/Clture00000
ENGL 75000American Literature to 186500000
ENGL 76200Postcolonial Literatures00000
ENGL 78100Literature, Gender & Sexuality00000
ENGL 79010Rhetorical and Discourse Thry00000
ENGL 80300Sem in the English Language00000
ENGL 80600Problems in Contemporary Thry00000
ENGL 81000Advanced Individual Research00000
ENGL 82100Seminar in 17 Century Literature00000
ENGL 70000Intro/Doctoral Studies in Engl00000
ENGL 86700Literature and Society00000
ENGL 87000Studies in Narrative00000
ENGL 87400Studies in Visual Media00000
ENGL 89000Studies Rsrch Meth:Princ/Pract00000
ENGL 89500ST: History of Book & Other Media00000
ENGL 89900The Practice of the PhD in English II00000
ENGL 91000Dissertation Workshop00000
ENGL 93000Placement Workshop00000
ENGL 85800Studies in Contemp Afr-Am Lit00000
ENGL 76000Modernisms00000
ENGL 78000Women's Writing00000
ENGL 79000The Teaching of College Engl00000
ENGL 80200Adv Seminar in English Literat00000
ENGL 80500Feminist and Gender Studies00000
ENGL 80700Medieval Literature in Britain00000
ENGL 81500Studies in Milton00000
ENGL 84200Studies in Romanticism00000
ENGL 70500The Canterbury Tales00000
ENGL 86800Studies in Global Literature00000
ENGL 87200Studies in Poetry00000
ENGL 87500Studies in Biography & Autobiography00000
ENGL 89010Studies in Pedagogy and Social Context00000
ENGL 89800The Practice of the PhD in English I00000
ENGL 90000Dissertation Supervision00000
ENGL 92000Writing Workshop00000