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GC Course Reviews

Graduate Center (CUNY)

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
EPSY 70500Stat & Comp Programming I00000
EPSY 90000Dissertation Supervision00000
EPSY 89000Supervised Research00000
EPSY 87100Resch on Learn & Instr in Math00000
EPSY 85100Advanced Seminar on Technology, Learning and Development00000
EPSY 83500Categorical Data Analysis00000
EPSY 83300The General Linear Model00000
EPSY 74000Mathematical Fundamentals for Social & Behavioral Scientists00000
EPSY 73000Introduction to Psychometrics00000
EPSY 71700Lang & Comm Dev: Resch & Educ00000
EPSY 71300Socio-Emotional and Cultural Factors in Development and Educ...00000
EPSY 70700Resch Mthds in Educ Psych I00000
EPSY 70200Foundations and Contemporary Issues in Educational Psycholog...00000
EPSY 89500Independent Educ Psych Resch00000
EPSY 88000Seminars in Special Topics00000
EPSY 86400Thry & Res on Literacy: Adults00000
EPSY 84200Hierarchical Linear Models00000
EPSY 83400Pat Ana,Fact Ana,& Str Equ Mod00000
EPSY 83200Stat Theories of Ment Testing00000
EPSY 73100Evaluation Research00000
EPSY 71400Instructional Issues: Individual and Cultural Factors00000
EPSY 71100Cogn Dev & Learn Proc in Educ00000
EPSY 70600Statistics and Computer Programming II00000