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GC Course Reviews

Graduate Center (CUNY)

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
FREN 70500Literary Criticism00000
FREN 87500Independent Study00000
FREN 87000Seminar in Literature Theory and Criticism00000
FREN 85000Seminar in 19c Literature00000
FREN 83000Seminar in 17 Century Literature00000
FREN 79140Francophone Lit of Maghreb00000
FREN 78400Problems in Translation00000
FREN 77300Structuralism & Post-Structuralism00000
FREN 75000Studies in 19c Literature00000
FREN 71000Studies in Medieval Literature00000
FREN 70700Literature and French Film00000
FREN 90000Dissertation Supervision00000
FREN 87400ST:French Literature00000
FREN 86200Seminar in the Theatre00000
FREN 84000Seminar in 18 Century Literature00000
FREN 80100ST:Linguistics00000
FREN 79130Francophone Lit in Africa00000
FREN 77400Women and French Literature00000
FREN 77010Techniques of Literary Research00000
FREN 71110Problems in French Lit Hist00000