SOCI 4335
Self and Society
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Prof: Eric Silva / Spring 2022
May 23, 2022
I spent maybe like 6 hours total on this class the entire semester. There's a bunch of reading but only four essay assignments and four quizzes due every 2-3 weeks or so. Easy A. The reading can be done in an afternoon and the assignments don't take long if you read. Quizzes are open notes and the answers are literally in the notes or verbatim from the textbook.
Something about how you fit into the rules of society? The teacher tried to speak with a vocabulary that was what I call educational speak, so it was confusing. But if you gave effort, it was easy to get full marks.
Easy to get the grade you wanted but the teacher used vocabulary that was so upper level it almost seemed like he was a dumb guy trying to sound smart by using big and fancy words.
That I'd be taking a class where you almost learn nothing.
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