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Georgia Tech Course Reviews

Georgia Institute of Technology

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
LMC 2730Constructing the Moving Image00000
LMC 6998HCI Master's Project00000
LMC 8000Proseminar in Media Theory00000
LMC 8803Special Topics in Digital Media00000
LMC 8831Special Topics in Technologies of Representation00000
LMC 8997Teaching Assistantship00000
LMC 9000Doctoral dissertation in Digital Media00000
LMC 2060Introduction to Literary Studies00000
LMC 2200Introduction to Gender Studies00000
LMC 2410Introduction to Game Studies00000
LMC 2661Theatre Production I00000
LMC 2699Undergraduate Research00000
LMC 6753Human-Computer Interaction Professional Preparation and Practice00000
LMC 3104The Age of Scientific Discovery00000
LMC 3202Studies in Fiction00000
LMC 3208African American Literature and Culture00000
LMC 3215RLMC 3215 Recitation00000
LMC 3226Major Authors00000
LMC 3234Creative Writing00000
LMC 3252RLMC 3252 Recitation00000
LMC 3253RLMC 3253 Recitation00000
LMC 3255RLMC 3255 Recitation00000
LMC 3256RLMC 3256 Recitation00000
LMC 4812Special Topics00000
LMC 3506Enlightenment and Culture00000
LMC 3514Victorian Literature and Culture00000
LMC 3520Contemporary Issues in Literature & Culture00000
LMC 3705Principles of Information Design00000
LMC 4000Senior Seminar in Literature, Media, and Communication00000
LMC 4500RLMC 4500 Recitation00000
LMC 4602Performance Practicum00000
LMC 4699Undergraduate Research00000
LMC 4720Interactive Narrative00000
LMC 4731Game AI00000
LMC 3257RLMC 3257 Recitation00000
LMC 4815Special Topics00000
LMC 6215Issues in Media Studies00000
LMC 6312Design, Technology & Representation00000
LMC 6315Product Production00000
LMC 6318Experimental Media00000
LMC 6321Architecture of Responsive Spaces00000
LMC 6330Expressive Virtual Space00000
LMC 6360Global Ethnographies and Communication Practices00000
LMC 6368Global Cinema00000
LMC 6743STS Core Seminar00000
LMC 6800Digital Media Master's Project00000
LMC 6213Edu Applications New00000
LMC 6311Visual Culture and Design00000
LMC 6314Design of Networked Media00000
LMC 6317Interactive Narrative/Fiction00000
LMC 6320Globalization and New Media00000
LMC 6325Game Design and Analysis00000
LMC 6350The spatial construction of meaning: Design formulation and design cognition00000
LMC 6367Literary and Cultural Theory00000
LMC 6650Project Studio00000
LMC 6749Feminist theory and STS00000
LMC 4814Special Topics00000
LMC 7999PhD Qualifying Prep00000
LMC 8801Special Topics00000
LMC 8823Special Topics in Game Design and Analysis00000
LMC 8910Special Problems in Information Design and Technology00000
LMC 8999PhD Doctoral Prep00000
LMC 2300Intro Biomedicine & Cult00000
LMC 3108Sci Tech & Enlightenment00000
LMC 3414Intellectual Property00000
LMC 3843Spec Topic-Communication00000
LMC 4200Seminar Lit/Cult Theory00000
LMC 3512British and Continental Romanticism00000
LMC 3259Experimental Film00000
LMC 3263Music, Culture, and Society00000
LMC 3306Science, Technology, and Race00000
LMC 3314Technologies of Representation00000
LMC 3352Film and/as Technology00000
LMC 3403Technical Communication, Theory and Practice00000
LMC 3406Video Production00000
LMC 3410The Rhetoric of Nonlinear Documents00000
LMC 3431Technical Communication Approaches00000
LMC 3504Renaissance Literature and Culture00000
LMC 3432Technical Communication Strategies00000
LMC 3518Literary and Cultural Postmodernism00000
LMC 3662Theatre Production IV: Acting00000
LMC 3813Special Topics00000
LMC 4102Senior Thesis00000
LMC 4500Seminar in Film Studies00000
LMC 4698Research Assistantship00000
LMC 4701Undergraduate Research Proposal Writing00000
LMC 4710Game Studio00000
LMC 4730Experimental Digital Art00000
LMC 4811Special Topics00000
LMC 3405Media, Culture, and Society00000
LMC 3236Writing for the Stage and Screen00000
LMC 3253Animation00000
LMC 3254RLMC 3254 Recitation00000
LMC 3256Major Filmmakers00000
LMC 3258RLMC 3258 Recitation00000
LMC 3262Performance Studies00000
LMC 3302Science, Technology, and Ideology00000
LMC 3310The Rhetoric of Scientific Inquiry00000
LMC 3318Biomedicine and Culture00000
LMC 3402Graphic and Visual Design00000
LMC 3219Literature and Medicine00000
LMC 3408The Rhetoric of Technical Narratives00000
LMC 3412Communicating Science and Technology to the Public00000
LMC 3502Ancient and Medieval Literature and Culture00000
LMC 3511American Literature & Culture00000
LMC 3516Literary and Cultural Modernism00000
LMC 3661Theatre Production III: Management00000
LMC 3710Principles of Interaction Design00000
LMC 4204Poetry and Poetics II00000
LMC 4406Contemporary Issues in Professional Communication00000
LMC 4702Undergraduate Research Thesis Writing00000
LMC 2100Introduction to Science, Technology and Culture00000
LMC 3110Sci, Tech & Romanticism00000
LMC 3823Special Topics Lit/Cult00000
LMC 3853Special Topics In Film00000
LMC 4400Seminar in Media Studies00000
LMC 3062Film Acting Workshop00000
LMC 3114Sci, Tech & Modernism00000
LMC 3833Special Topics In Stac00000
LMC 4100Seminar in STAC00000
LMC 4600Seminar Perform Studies00000
LMC 2050Seminar in Literature, Media, and Communication00000
LMC 4725Games Design as a Cultural Practice00000
LMC 2350Introduction to Social Justice00000
LMC 2500Introduction to Film00000
LMC 2500RLMC 2500 Recitation00000
LMC 2662Theatre Production II00000
LMC 2720Principles of Visual Design00000
LMC 3102Science, Technology, and the Classical Tradition00000
LMC 3112Evolution and the Industrial Age00000
LMC 3206Communication and Culture00000
LMC 3212Women, Literature, and Culture00000
LMC 3214Science Fiction00000
LMC 3255Cinema and Digital Culture00000
LMC 2700Introduction to Computational Media00000
LMC 2823Special Topics in Literature and Culture00000
LMC 3106The Age of Scientific Revolution00000
LMC 3204Poetry and Poetics00000
LMC 3210Ethnicity in American Culture00000
LMC 3215Science Fiction Film and Television00000
LMC 3225Gender Studies in the Disciplines00000
LMC 3228Shakespeare00000
LMC 3252Studies in Film and Television00000
LMC 3254Film History00000
LMC 2698Research Assistantship00000
LMC 3257Global Cinema00000
LMC 3258Documentary Film00000
LMC 3259RLMC 3259 Recitation00000
LMC 3304Science, Technology, and Gender00000
LMC 3308Environmentalism and Ecocriticism00000
LMC 3316Science, Technology, and Postcolonialism00000
LMC 3352RLMC 3352 Recitation00000
LMC 3404Social Media00000
LMC 3407Advanced Video Production00000
LMC 3411The Rhetoric of Visual Communication00000
LMC 6399Discovery & Invention00000
LMC 4733Mixed Reality Experience Design00000
LMC 4813Special Topics00000
LMC 4904Internship00000
LMC 6310The Computer as an "Expressive Medium"00000
LMC 6313Principles of Interaction Design00000
LMC 6316Historical Approaches to Digital Media00000
LMC 6319Intellectural Property Policy and Law00000
LMC 6322Global Intellectual Property Policy and Law00000
LMC 6340Mixed Reality Experience Design00000
LMC 6366Global Science Fiction00000
LMC 2813Special Topics in STAC00000
LMC 6748Social Justice, Critical Theory, and Philosophy of Design00000
LMC 6770Mixed Reality Design00000
LMC 7000Digital Media Master's Thesis00000
LMC 8001Proseminar in Digital Media Studies00000
LMC 8813Advanced Issues in Interactive Narrative00000
LMC 8903Special Problems in Human-Computer Interaction00000
LMC 8998Research Assistantship00000
LMC 2000Introduction to Literature, Media, and Communication00000
LMC 2400Introduction to Media Studies00000
LMC 2600Introduction to Performance Studies00000