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GGC Course Reviews

Georgia Gwinnett College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BIOL 3010KHuman Anatomy00000
BIOL 3450Conservation Biology00000
BIOL 3600KZoology w/Lab00000
BIOL 4000KParasitology00000
BIOL 4270Virology00000
BIOL 4540Immunology00000
BIOL 4570Experimental Methods in Bio00000
BIOL 4750Environmental Toxicology00000
BIOL 1101KBiological Sciences I w/Lab00000
BIOL 1108KPrinciples of Biology II w/Lab00000
BIOL 2452KHuman Anatomy & Physiology II00000
BIOL 3310KBotany w/Lab00000
BIOL 3060Biology Content Methods00000
BIOL 3300KMicrobiology with Laboratory00000
BIOL 3400KCell Biology w/Lab00000
BIOL 3550KLimnology w/Lab00000
BIOL 3900Biotechnology00000
BIOL 4200Bioinformatics00000
BIOL 4420KEnvironmental Microbiology00000
BIOL 4560Research Methods in Biology00000
BIOL 4700Interdisc Appl of Biology Online00000
BIOL 4300Biotechnology Laboratory00000
BIOL 1107KPrinciples of Biology I w/Lab00000
BIOL 2451KHuman Anatomy & Physiology I00000
BIOL 3000Evolution00000
BIOL 3055Natural History of Africa INTL Online00000
BIOL 3200KGenetics with Laboratory00000
BIOL 3350KMycology w/Lab00000
BIOL 3500KEcology w/Lab00000
BIOL 3510KIchthyology00000
BIOL 3610KMarine Biology00000
BIOL 4150Neurobiology00000
BIOL 1012KIntroductory Biology II00000
BIOL 4550Pharmacology00000
BIOL 4600Readings in Biology00000
BIOL 4800Internship00000
BIOL 1011KIntroduction to Biology00000
BIOL 1102Biological Sciences II00000
BIOL 2101Intro Special Topics Lab00000
BIOL 2516KMicrobiology-Health Sciences00000
BIOL 3020KHuman Physiology00000
BIOL 3150Temperate Biology-Europe00000