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GMU Course Reviews

George Mason University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
AIT 636Interpretable Machine Learning00000
AIT 678National Security Challenges00000
AIT 682Network and Systems Security00000
AIT 697Leading Orgs Through Change00000
AIT 702Incident Handling & Pentesting00000
AIT 724Data Analytics in Social Media00000
AIT 736Applied Machine Learning00000
AIT 512Algorithm/Data Struct Essentls00000
AIT 542Fndmntls of Computing Platform00000
AIT 582Metadata Analytics Big Data00000
AIT 614Big Data Essentials00000
AIT 672Identity and Access Management00000
AIT 664Info: Represent, Process, Viz00000
AIT 671Info Sys Infrastruct Life Mgmt00000
AIT 677Intelligence Analysis Methods00000
AIT 681Secure Software Development00000
AIT 690Immersive Media Anlytcs & Comp00000
AIT 701Cyber Security: Emerging Threats And Countermeasures00000
AIT 722Geo-Data Analytics & Theory00000
AIT 734Adv Web Anlytcs Using Semantic00000
AIT 790Adv Top Naturl Lang Processing00000
AIT 716Human Computer Interaction00000
AIT 580Analytics Big Data to Info00000
AIT 590Natural Language Processing00000
AIT 622Big Data Needs Analysis00000
AIT 655Applied Project Mgmt. for IT00000
AIT 665Managing IT Prog in Fed Sector00000
AIT 673Cyber Incident Handling/Rspnse00000
AIT 679Law and Ethics of Big Data00000
AIT 685Capstone Seminar00000
AIT 699Cultural Scams on Social Media00000
AIT 524Database Management Systems00000
AIT 726NLP with Deep Learning00000
AIT 746Advanced Appl Machine Learning00000
AIT 502Programming Essentials00000
AIT 526Introduction to NLP00000
AIT 581Problem Formation And Solving In Big Data00000
AIT 602Intro Research in Applied IT00000
AIT 624Knowledge Mining from Big-Data00000
AIT 660Cyber Security Fundamentals00000
AIT 670Cloud Computing Security00000