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Grinnell Course Reviews

Grinnell College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
GLS 195ST: Sport & Identity Britian00000
GLS 233Tpcs in Grm Cinema/1920-Prsnt00000
GLS 251Children's & Young Adult Lit00000
GLS 279Modern Japanese Fiction & Film00000
GLS 295ST: Contemp Japanese Fiction00000
GLS 135Philosophy and Literature00000
GLS 202Theatre History II00000
GLS 248The Russian Novel00000
GLS 277Modern China Thrgh Lit & Film00000
GLS 291Prspctv 20C Cntrl & E Euro Lit00000
GLS 304Studies in Drama II00000
GLS 201Theatre History I00000
GLS 247The Russian Short Story00000
GLS 270The Holocaust Remembered00000
GLS 281Major Russ Writers: Dostoevsky00000
GLS 303Studies in Drama I00000