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GSW Course Reviews

Georgia Southwestern State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
GEOL 4611Introduction to GIS00000
GEOL 4942Senior Thesis II00000
GEOL 4921Geotectonics00000
GEOL 4811Introduction to Geophysics00000
GEOL 4421Sedimentary Geology00000
GEOL 3211Invertebrate Paleobiology00000
GEOL 3111Environmental Geology00000
GEOL 1122Earth History & Global Change00000
GEOL 1121Earth Mat, Processes, & Env00000
GEOL 4941Senior Thesis I00000
GEOL 4911Senior Seminar00000
GEOL 1122KIntroductory Geosciences II00000
GEOL 3411Geomorphology00000
GEOL 3121Mineralogy00000
GEOL 1221Solar System Exploration00000
GEOL 1121KIntro Geosciences I00000
GEOL 4951Igneous/Metamorphic Petrology00000
GEOL 4931Field Methods00000
GEOL 4711Igneous-Metamorphic Petrology00000
GEOL 3511Structural Geology00000
GEOL 3311Oceanography00000
GEOL 2011First Year Seminar00000