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GW Course Reviews

The George Washington University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ECON 8381International Trade Theory00000
ECON 3142Labor Economics00000
ECON 2182International Macroeconomics00000
ECON 2169Intro-Economy of the PRC00000
ECON 2157Urban and Regional Economics00000
ECON 2104Intermed Macro: Mathematical00000
ECON 2101Intermed Microeconomic Theory00000
ECON 1001Princ of Math for Econ00000
ECON 8999Dissertation Research00000
ECON 8997Independent Research00000
ECON 8395International Trade00000
ECON 3162Public Finance: Taxation00000
ECON 8376Econometrics II00000
ECON 8352Development Economics II00000
ECON 8341Labor Economics I00000
ECON 8324Monetary Theory and Policy II00000
ECON 8306Macroeconomic Theory II00000
ECON 8302Microeconomic Theory II00000
ECON 6998Thesis Research00000
ECON 6374Prob and Stat for Econ00000
ECON 6344Applied Industrial Orgnization00000
ECON 6350Applied Development Economics00000
ECON 8998Advanced Reading and Research00000
ECON 8383Intern'l Financial Markets00000
ECON 8379Laboratory-AppliedEconometrics00000
ECON 8375Econometrics I00000
ECON 8357Regional Economics00000
ECON 8342Labor Economics II00000
ECON 8323Monetary Theory and Policy I00000
ECON 8303Microeconomic Theory III00000
ECON 6999Thesis Research00000
ECON 6376Time Series Analysis00000
ECON 6325Applied Game Theory00000
ECON 6335Applied Financial Derivatives00000
ECON 6321Applied Managerial Economics00000
ECON 6300Math Methods for Econ00000
ECON 6294Topics in Economic Development00000
ECON 6283Survey Intl Trade Theory/Polcy00000
ECON 6269Economy of China I00000
ECON 6237Econ-Environ/Natural Resources00000
ECON 4198WProseminar in Economics00000
ECON 3191Game Theory00000
ECON 3199Economicsof Network Industries00000
ECON 6340App Labor Econ and Pub Policy00000
ECON 6323Applied Behavioral Economics00000
ECON 6301Applied Microeconomic Theory00000
ECON 6298Reading and Research00000
ECON 6293Topics in Intern'l Finance00000
ECON 6284Survey Intl Macro Finan Theory00000
ECON 6280Survey of International Econ00000
ECON 6255Econ of Technological Change00000
ECON 6250Survey-Economic Development00000
ECON 4199Independent Research-Economics00000
ECON 6375Applied Econometrics00000
ECON 3190Law and Economics00000
ECON 3181International Trade Theory00000
ECON 3161Public Finance:Expend.Programs00000
ECON 2199HumanCapital:Theory&Applicat00000
ECON 2181International Trade00000
ECON 2167Economics of Crime00000
ECON 2151Economic Development00000
ECON 2123Introduction to Econometrics00000
ECON 2103Intermed Micro: Mathematical00000
ECON 8397Paper Proposal Seminar00000
ECON 6305Applied Macroeconomic Theory00000
ECON 6295Applied Quantitative Risk Mgmt00000
ECON 2198East Asian Economies00000
ECON 2180International Economics00000
ECON 2158Industrial Organization00000
ECON 2136Natural Resources/Environ Econ00000
ECON 2121Financial Economics00000
ECON 2102Intermed Macroeconomic Theory00000
ECON 1011Principles of Economics I00000
ECON 1012Principles of Economics II00000
ECON 8382Int'l Finance/Open Econ Macro00000
ECON 8377Econometrics III00000
ECON 8358Urban Economics00000
ECON 8351Development Economics I00000
ECON 8337Environmental Economics00000
ECON 8307Macroeconomic Theory III00000
ECON 8305Macroeconomic Theory I00000
ECON 8301Microeconomic Theory I00000
ECON 6997Independent Research00000