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GW Course Reviews

The George Washington University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
EMED 8302Emergency Medicine00000
EMED 8393Extramural Emergency Medicine00000
EMED 8350Wound Management00000
EMED 8314Emergency Med-Alexandria Hosp00000
EMED 8303Emergency Medicine & Pg00000
EMED 6513EmrgngInfctDiseases&TropclMed00000
EMED 6509Curr Dev Med & Bioscience Law00000
EMED 6505Intl Emergency Medical Systems00000
EMED 6502Clinical Toxicology00000
EMED 6201Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation00000
EMED 8518Asynchronous-POCUS00000
EMED 8516Wilderness Medicine00000
EMED 8390Extramural Emergency Medicine00000
EMED 8340Emergency Medicine Research00000
EMED 8313Emergency Medicine Elective00000
EMED 6231Emergency Medicine 200000
EMED 6512Econ of Med/Med Entreprenrshp00000
EMED 6508Health Policy Issues/Emer Med00000
EMED 6504Emergency Medicine Research00000
EMED 6501Seminars in Emergency Medicine00000
EMED 2101EMS Operations and Management00000
EMED 8517Point-Of-Care Ultrasound00000
EMED 8392Extramural Emergency Medicine00000
EMED 8391Extramural Emergency Medicine00000
EMED 8320Comparative EMed Services Syst00000
EMED 8312Emergency Medicine Elective00000
EMED 6514Emerging Infectious Diseases00000
EMED 6510Medical Ethics00000
EMED 6507Pre-Hospital Care-EMS Systems00000
EMED 6503Domestic Violence00000