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Hamline Course Reviews

Hamline University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
GED 7873Teaching Social Studies in the Middle and Secondary School P...00000
GED 8100Leadership and Organization00000
GED 8024Educating for Equity and Social Justice00000
GED 8021Design Effective Lrng Environ00000
GED 7896Student Teaching K-1200000
GED 7894Secondary Student Tchg 9-1200000
GED 7885Student Teaching Elementary K-600000
GED 7882Teaching Dance/Theatre Arts in K-12 Part II00000
GED 7880Teaching Mathematics in the Middle and Secondary School Part...00000
GED 7878Teaching ESL K-12 Part I00000
GED 8115Director of Special Education00000
GED 7871Tchg Literacy Mid/Sec Sch 5-1200000
GED 7867Theory to Practice00000
GED 7858Tchg Soc St Mid/Sec Part I00000
GED 7852Teaching Math in the Elementary School00000
GED 7851Tchng Science in Elem School00000
GED 7846LLab: Teaching Literacy in Elem00000
GED 7846Teaching Literacy Elem, Part 100000
GED 7838Teaching PE Elem School K-600000
GED 7836Teaching Music Elem School K-600000
GED 8200Understanding Learning00000
GED 8517Paideia Seminar Inquiry and Reflection00000
GED 8515Paideia Sem-Community Bldg00000
GED 8513Paideia Seminar--Knowledge Construction00000
GED 8508Advanced Inquiry00000
GED 8507AFrameworks for Inquiry A00000
GED 8504Educational Organizations00000
GED 8501The Learning Organization00000
GED 8490Capstone Project00000
GED 8220Policy, Leadership, & Advocacy00000
GED 7825Educational Psychology00000
GED 8196Director Field Experience II: Portfolio00000
GED 8187Superintendent Field Experience III: Exit00000
GED 8185Superintendent Field Experience I: Plan00000
GED 8177Principal Field Experience III: Exit00000
GED 8175Principal Field Experience I: Plan00000
GED 8146Additional Leadership Assessment: Special Education Director00000
GED 8142Education Law and Ethics00000
GED 8135The K-12 Principal00000
GED 8125School Finance00000
GED 7874Teaching Science in the Middle and Secondary School Part II00000
GED 8120The District Superintendent00000
GED 8101Human Relations in Organizations00000
GED 8036Education Policy and Literacy Practice00000
GED 8022Action Research: Practice and Application00000
GED 7897Middle-Level Student Teaching00000
GED 7895Student Tchg Secondary 5-1200000
GED 7888English Learners in the Mainstream00000
GED 7881Teaching World Languages in K-12 Part II00000
GED 7879Tchg Math & Sci Mid/Sec Part I00000
GED 8126Additional Leadership Assessment: District Superintendent00000
GED 7872Exceptionality00000
GED 7870Teaching Communication Arts/Literature in the Middle and Sec...00000
GED 7862Education and Cultural Diversity00000
GED 7857Tchg CommArts/Lit, Dnc/Thtr I00000
GED 7852LLab: Teaching Math in Elem Sch00000
GED 7847Teaching Literacy in the Elementary School K-6, Part II00000
GED 7840Tchg Soc Studies Elem Schl K-600000
GED 7837Teaching Health Elem Schl K-600000
GED 7835Teaching Art Elem School K-600000
GED 8400Research Design00000
GED 7815Schools and Society00000
GED 7050Student Teaching Seminar00000
GED 8600Equitable Innovation and Transformation: Skills and Strategi...00000
GED 8516Equity and Social Justice Policy00000
GED 8514Doctoral Writing Seminar00000
GED 8507BFrameworks for Inquiry B00000
GED 8505Leadership00000
GED 8502Educational Foundations00000
GED 8495Capstone Thesis*00000
GED 7801Intro to Advanced Teacher Thinking00000
GED 8210Investigating Contemporary and Critical Issues in Education00000
GED 8197Director Field Experience III: Exit00000
GED 8195Director Field Experience I: Plan00000
GED 8186Superintendent Field Experience II: Portfolio00000
GED 8176Principal Field Experience II: Portfolio00000
GED 8150Initial Leadership Assessment00000
GED 8145Introduction to Administrative Licensure00000
GED 8136Additional Leadership Assessment: K-12 Principal00000