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Hamline Course Reviews

Hamline University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
HIST 1200Ancient Greece and Rome00000
HIST 3980Special Topics: Social Reforms: policing, mental health, juv...00000
HIST 3940Topics in Latin American History: Closest of Enemies: Histor...00000
HIST 3910Topics in Russian and Eastern European History: Wars and Ref...00000
HIST 3800Topics in the History of Gender: Same Sex Britain00000
HIST 1980Special Topics: Social Reforms: policing, mental health, juv...00000
HIST 1420Latin American History: Mexico00000
HIST 1310Introduction to American History: 1877-Present00000
HIST 1230Islam in Europe: The Ottoman Empire00000
HIST 1220Reforms & Revolutions in Europ00000
HIST 5950Seminar in History00000
HIST 3960Topics in Comparative History: Environmental History00000
HIST 3930Special Topics: United States History: Immigration00000
HIST 3880Topics in the History of War: Europe in World War II00000
HIST 3010Historical Methods00000
HIST 1600Intro to Chinese History00000
HIST 1400Latin Amer: Pre-Columbian-Mod00000
HIST 1300Introduction to American History: Civil War and Reconstructi...00000