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Hofstra Course Reviews

Hofstra University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ANTH 003(Bh, Cc) Cultural Anthropology33231
ANTH 014S(Bh) Bones, Bodies & Burials54551
ANTH 111(Bh, Cc) Culture And Music00000
ANTH 192Anthropology Internship00000
ANTH 188MSp Tpc: Osteology00000
ANTH 186Theory In Anthropology00000
ANTH 146(Bh,Cc) Anthr & Social Justice00000
ANTH 114(Bh) Rise Of Civilizations00000
ANTH 107(Bh, Cc) Dev,Cnsrv&Indig Peop00000
ANTH 105(Bh) Latin American Cultures00000
ANTH 100Dept Honors Candidacy: Essay00000
ANTH 014F(Bh,Cc) Myths Cross-Culturally00000
ANTH 188KDangerous Ideas00000
ANTH 151Independent Stdy: Rdgs In Anth00000
ANTH 137(Bh) Race&Eth Anth Perspv00000
ANTH 116(Bh, Cc) Relig-Cross-Cult Per00000
ANTH 143(Bh) Intro to Forensic Anthro00000
ANTH 101(Bh) The Native Americans00000
ANTH 004(Bh, Cc) World Cultures00000
ANTH 188FLit & Arclgy Ancnt Medtrn Wrld00000
ANTH 185Methods In Anth00000
ANTH 145Gndr, Sex & Sexuality00000
ANTH 133(Cc) Food And Culture00000
ANTH 113(Cc)Arch Of Anct Amer Civlztns00000
ANTH 102(Bh) African Cultures00000
ANTH 033Archaeological Field Methods00000
ANTH 005(Bh)Archlgy:Rcvrng Mtrl Past00000
ANTH 001(Bh)Human Evol in Anth Prspctv00000
ANTH 191Rsrch Sem in Anthropology00000
ANTH 188JSpcl Tpc: Political Islam00000