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Hofstra Course Reviews

Hofstra University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BIOL 112(Ns) General Biology I00000
BIOL 111(Ns) Intro Big Ideas Biology00000
BIOL 121General Physiology00000
BIOL 127Lab Skills In Ecology & Evoltn00000
BIOL 134General Microbiology00000
BIOL 138Field Ecology00000
BIOL 145Hormones & Behavior00000
BIOL 155Marine Biology00000
BIOL 167Techniques In Cell Biology00000
BIOL 193Dept Honors-Research00000
BIOL 2134General Microbiology00000
BIOL 2123Cell Biology00000
BIOL 122Genetics00000
BIOL 128Lab Skills in Genetics00000
BIOL 135Parasitology00000
BIOL 141Cell Biology of Disease00000
BIOL 150Behavior00000
BIOL 161Bacterial Genetics00000
BIOL 173Intro Genomics & Bioinformatcs00000
BIOL 194Dept Honors-Research00000
BIOL 2151Organic Evolution00000
BIOL 113(Ns) General Biology II00000
BIOL 120Evolution, Ecology & Behavior00000
BIOL 124Biostatistics00000
BIOL 130Neurobiology00000
BIOL 131Neurobiology Laboratory00000
BIOL 140Human Physiology00000
BIOL 151Organic Evolution00000
BIOL 156Conservation Biology00000
BIOL 190Indep Study-Ug Research I00000
BIOL 198Special Topics In Bio Sciences00000
BIOL 004(Ns) Human Biology00000
BIOL 123Cell Biology00000
BIOL 129Lab Skills Orgnsml Frm & Fnctn00000
BIOL 136Ecology00000
BIOL 137Intro to Bioengineering00000
BIOL 144Animal Physiology00000
BIOL 154Entomology00000
BIOL 163Brain, Behavior & Evolution00000
BIOL 191Indep Study-Ug Reasearch II00000
BIOL 199Biology Seminar00000