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Hofstra Course Reviews

Hofstra University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CAT 283XTopic: Multi Media Studio00000
CAT 301Mastrs Thesis Sem I00000
CAT 281KSpcl Tpc: Psychphrm & Cat00000
CAT 280BInternship In Cat00000
CAT 229Explrtn Exprsv Arts & Cult Ire00000
CAT 222Prac:Clin Prac In Art Thr Coun00000
CAT 215Clin Applctns Art Therapy Coun00000
CAT 211Chld & Adol Devl Art Thry Coun00000
CAT 300Res Sem In Crtve Arts Thr Coun00000
CAT 281CMulti Cult Art Therapy Part II00000
CAT 280DInternship In Cat II00000
CAT 228Ethcl Consd & Clin Prc Cat Cns00000
CAT 221Prac:Clin Prac in Art Thr Coun00000
CAT 214Clin Methods Art Therapy Coun00000
CAT 210Fndtns Of Art Therapy Coun00000
CAT 101Intro to Art Therapy00000
CAT 281BAdvncd Prctm In Art Thrpy Coun00000
CAT 281UArt Therapy Systems00000
CAT 280CSp Tpc: Work W Trauma Cat Coun00000
CAT 224Psyph/Psy Iss In Art Thr Coun00000
CAT 219Intrn-Crtv Art Thrpy00000
CAT 209Clincl Instruction Media Techs00000
CAT 302Mastrs Thesis Sem II00000
CAT 283ASpc Tpc: Play Therapy I00000
CAT 281DArt Thrpy Frm Nerlgcl Prspctv00000
CAT 235Creativity00000
CAT 225Art Thrpy Coun Thur Adult Devl00000
CAT 218Intrshp: Crtv Arts Trpy Coun00000
CAT 212Group Art Therapy Counseling00000