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Hofstra Course Reviews

Hofstra University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CLL 191(Lt) Romanticism00000
CLL 196Senior Essay00000
CLL 188(Lt) Psychoanalysis & Lit00000
CLL 053(Lt) Faust Theme00000
CLL 014S(Lt) Demons, Devils, Self-Dest00000
CLL 195(Lt) Rlsm,Naturalism,Symbolism00000
CLL 182(Lt) Robot Dreams00000
CLL 047(Lt) Africa, Greece, And Rome00000
CLL 041(Lt) Ancient Novel00000
CLL 039(Lt) Myth Lit Ancnt World00000
CLL 180Intrnshp In Comp Lit & Lang00000
CLL 151(Lt) Kingdoms of the (Un)Dead00000
CLL 046(Lt) Sex & Gender In Antiquity00000
CLL 014F(Lt) Sex, Money, Power00000
CLL 197Dept Honors Candidacy: Essay00000
CLL 190(Lt) Wrld Lit&Anat Clt Df00000
CLL 055(Lt) Zombies In Lit, Film, Soc00000