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Hofstra Course Reviews

Hofstra University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
COUN 203Intro to Counseling00000
COUN 377Adv Group Coun & Leadership00000
COUN 300Intrnshp In Mntl Hlth Coun III00000
COUN 298Intrnshp in Mental Hlth Coun I00000
COUN 290Intern-Schl Counsel00000
COUN 275Issues In Mental Hlth &Consltn00000
COUN 261Undrstndng Psychpthy Coun00000
COUN 253Counseling Practicum00000
COUN 223Theories & Prncpls of Coun00000
COUN 211Prin & Prac of Addiction Coun00000
COUN 202Professnal Orientatn & Ethics00000
COUN 301Coun For Crisis, Disatr, &Trma00000
COUN 299Intrnshp in Mentl Hlth Coun II00000
COUN 291Intern-Schl Counsel00000
COUN 277Group Counseling00000
COUN 270Social & Cltral Fndtns in Coun00000
COUN 255Org&Condct-Guid Pgm00000
COUN 224Coun Practice In Cntmpry Soc00000
COUN 222Contemp Iss School Coun Pract00000
COUN 210Counseling & Helping Relatnshp00000