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Howard Course Reviews

Howard University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BIOL 444Neuroscience Lec/Lab44551
BIOL 319Aging Physiology&age-relat dis45441
ARCH 75621St Cent Global Entrepr Pract00000
ANAT 189Research00000
ARTD 105Typography I00000
ARCH 502Structures II00000
AFST 356Educ Sys & Soc Change Africa00000
ARHI 310Heritage: Art of Romare Brdn00000
AFST 106HIV/AIDS In Africa00000
ANAT 209Comparative Primate Anatomy00000
AFST 125China and Africa00000
ANTG 373Internship-Ling00000
ARCH 303History Theory III00000
AFST 245Forgn Pol Making Africa States00000
ARCH 570Pub. Iss. Clim. Just. and Arch00000
AFRO 120Educ. in Black America II00000
ARCH 998Internship00000
AHCC 203Child Health Issues00000
ARTA 018Figure Painting III00000
AERO 001AS 100 Leadership Lab I00000
ARTD 125Industry Prep & Entrepreneur00000
AFST 120Traff.&Destr. African Heritage00000
ANES 102Clin Cardio Anesthesiology00000
AERO 023Evol of USAF Air&Space Pwr II00000
ARAB 040Grammar Review00000
AFST 157Liter Film & Society in Africa00000
ARCH 011Elements of Architecture00000
ARCH 266Architecture Pre-Design00000
AFST 212Theory in Africa Studies00000
ARCH 401Materials & Methods I00000
AFRO 006Intro Afro-America Studies II00000
ARCH 518Adv Design Technology & Appl00000
AFST 307Adv Sem on Pub Pol and Dev00000
ARCH 664Design for Low Cost Housing00000
ACCT 340Auditing I00000
ARCH 862M. ARCH Thesis00000
AFST 776Foundations To Afr Studies Wri00000
ARHI 286African American Art I00000
AFRO 126Introducation to Coptic00000
ARTA 012Painting II00000
AMHR 004Amharic IV00000
ARTC 125Ceramics V00000
ACAD 302Academic Comm (Grad Only)00000
ARTD 113Prod & Portfolio Techniques II00000
ANAT 203Topics in Develop Biology00000
ARTE 081Desktop Web Publishing00000
AERO 004AS 200 Lab II00000
ANAT 300Dissertation Writing, PhD00000
AFST 122SpTps: Blk Women and Pop00000
ANTG 366Independent Study-Cult00000
ACCT 201Accounting Principles I00000
ARAB 002Arabic II00000
AFST 132Hip Hop & Popular Cult. Africa00000
ARAB 190Independent Study00000
AERO 107AS 400 Leadership Lab I00000
ARCH 151Design Communication II00000
AFST 182Seminar in Regional Studies00000
ARCH 199Design I00000
ARCH 219Contemp Issues In Architect00000
AFST 200Independent Study00000
ARCH 273Digtal Tools III00000
AERO 190Independent Study I00000
ARCH 311South Asia Art & Architecture00000
AFST 239Development & Planning00000
ARCH 430Health and Design00000
ACCT 320Cost Accounting I00000
ARCH 511Intro to Computer Appl Arch00000
AFST 301Thesis Research00000
ARCH 522Intro to Environmental Sys II00000
AFRO 091Honors Social Science Seminar00000
ARCH 653200+ Hist Doc:Black Women Arch00000
AFST 319Dissertation Research00000
ARCH 720Advanced Architecture Theory00000
ACAD 026Math Lab00000
ARCH 811Directed Studies00000
AFST 500Research in African Studies00000
ARCH 902Design Portfolio & Marketing00000
AFRO 123Intro to Egyptian Hieroglyphs00000
ARHI 281African Art History III00000
AHCC 201Community Health00000
ARHI 291Contemporary African Art00000
ACCT 360Not-For-Profit Acc'ting00000
ARID 103Sr. Workshop/Capstone II00000
AMHR 001Amharic I00000
ARTA 015Watercolor II00000
AFST 101Intro to Cont. Africa00000
ARTA 023Intro to Painting Workshop00000
ANAT 172Anatomy & Physiology II (NURS)00000
ARTD 103Design History00000
ACAD 021Math Lab (Algebra I)00000
ARTD 110Studio Problems in Design00000
ANAT 197Intro to Anatomical Research I00000
ARTD 118Newspaper & Magazine Design I00000
AFST 110Afr Dev & Underdevelop00000
ARCH 202Design IV00000
ANAT 206Human Gross Anatomy and Embryo00000
ACAD 007College Study Skills00000
ACAD 023Math Lab (Algebra II)00000
ACCT 310Intermediate Accounting I00000
AERO 132AF Leadership Studies II00000