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Howard Course Reviews

Howard University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ARHI 289Research in African Art00000
ARHI 301Heritages:Art Romare Bearden00000
ARHI 292Topics In Art Criticism00000
ARHI 288Lat American & Caribbean Art00000
ARHI 285Modern Art History II00000
ARHI 280West African Art00000
ARHI 277Art Hist Studies:Hist of Photo00000
ARHI 312Contemporary Art00000
ARHI 296Sem:Indep Research Art History00000
ARHI 281African Art History III00000
ARHI 287African American Art II00000
ARHI 284Modern Art History I00000
ARHI 278Trends Ideas Afri Amer Art00000
ARHI 200Black Women in Visual Culture00000
ARHI 310Heritage: Art of Romare Brdn00000
ARHI 291Contemporary African Art00000
ARHI 286African American Art I00000