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Howard Course Reviews

Howard University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BIOL 319Aging Physiology&age-relat dis45441
BIOL 444Neuroscience Lec/Lab44551
BIOL 407Ichthyology Lec/Lab00000
BIOL 396Biology Study Abroad00000
BIOL 416Advanced Cytology Lec/Lab00000
BIOL 421Virology00000
BIOL 426Food Microbiology Lec/Lab00000
BIOL 430Biostatistics Lec/Lab00000
BIOL 102General Biology Lec/Lab00000
BIOL 204Science & Public Policy00000
BIOL 219Top: Biological & Social Aspec00000
BIOL 240Evolution00000
BIOL 310Cell Biology00000
BIOL 341Animal Physiology00000
BIOL 390Independent Investigations00000
BIOL 320Molecular Biology Lec/Lab00000
BIOL 417Evolutionary Medicine Lec/Lab00000
BIOL 420Cancer Biology00000
BIOL 424Environ Microbiology Lec-Lab00000
BIOL 441Endocrinology I Lec/Lab00000
BIOL 449Population Genetics Lec-Lab00000
BIOL 460Molecular Physiology of Plants00000
BIOL 475Human Evolutionary Bio Lec/Lab00000
BIOL 492Honors Thesis00000
BIOL 494Senior Seminar00000
BIOL 501Topics (Anat & Physiology)00000
BIOL 705Biol 705 – Organismal Biomechanics-WRTG00000
BIOL 462Biotechnology Lec/Lab00000
BIOL 202Plant Diversity Lec/Lab00000
BIOL 218Direct Readings for Sophomores00000
BIOL 230Ecology Lec/Lab00000
BIOL 305Invertebrate Biology Lec/Lab00000
BIOL 318Direct Readings in Jr Honors00000
BIOL 329Global Climate Change Lec/Lab00000
BIOL 395Biology Study Abroad00000
BIOL 412Biological Anth. & Human Evol.00000
BIOL 419Bioinformatics00000
BIOL 422Immunology Lec/Lab00000
BIOL 425Patho Bacteriology Lec/Lab00000
BIOL 450Molecular Genetics Lec/Lab00000
BIOL 344Plant Physiology Lec/Lab00000
BIOL 491Honors Research00000
BIOL 493Senior Seminar00000
BIOL 500Topics Cell & Molecular Biol00000
BIOL 502Topics (Ecology & Evolution)00000
BIOL 713Dev. Biology Lec/Lab-(WRTG)00000
BIOL 801Environmental Studies I00000
BIOL 200Genetics Lec/Lab00000
BIOL 217Honors Orientation00000
BIOL 220General Microbiology Lec/Lab00000
BIOL 252Comp Anatomy of Vertebrates00000
BIOL 317Direct Readings in Jr Honors00000
BIOL 101General Biology Lec/Lab00000