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Illinois State Course Reviews

Illinois State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
IT 178Computer Application Programming45231
PHI 101Basic Issues In Philosophy44321
ECO 101Principles Of Microeconomics21121
SED 344Teaching Secondary Content to Students with Disabilities11111
MAT 119College Algebra34131
IT 191Introduction To IT Professional Practice15111
IT 353Web Development Technologies53551
MAT 120Finite Mathematics11111
FIL 346Fixed Income Analysis And Portfolio Management52551
IT 168Structured Problem Solving Using The Computer32231
COM 110Communication As Critical Inquiry25221
AGR 205Microcomputer Applications In Agriculture00000
AGR 400Independent Study00000
AGR 425Equine Management I00000
AGR 497Research Methodology In Agriculture00000
ACC 398Professional Practice: Internship In Accounting00000
AGR 234Soil And Water Conservation00000
ANT 274Principles of Archaeology00000
ANT 299Independent Honor Study In Anthropology00000
AGR 262Ornamental Plant Production00000
ANT 371Human Osteology00000
ANT 386Archaeology Theory00000
ACC 298Professional Practice: Internship/Coop Education In Accounti...00000
ACC 439Managerial Accounting Theory00000
AGR 287Independent Study00000
ANT 450Principles of Paleoanthropology00000
AGR 392Principles of Agricultural Leadership00000
AGR 191Introduction To Agricultural Education Teacher Licensure00000
AGR 418Advanced Agricultural Finance00000
ACC 371Intermediate Business Analytics00000
AGR 465Production Livestock Management00000
AGR 216Financial Accounting For Agricultural Producers00000
ANT 176Culture, Power, And Civic Life00000
ACC 270Information Systems In Organizations00000
ANT 281Principles of Socio-Cultural Anthropology00000
AGR 254Herbaceous Plant Material00000
ANT 342Sociolinguistics00000
ACC 431Current Issues In Accounting00000
ANT 382Senior Thesis00000
AGR 280Livestock And Dairy Cattle Selection00000
ANT 398a02Professional Practice: Research Apprenticeship Anthropology00000
ACC 235Auditing00000
AGR 299Independent Honor Study00000
ANT 471Human Osteology00000
ANT 494Advanced Primate Behavior And Evolution00000
ANT 498Professional Practice In Anthropology00000
ACC 299Independent Honor Study00000
ACC 453Advanced Forensic Analytics00000
AGR 306Weed Science00000
AGR 309Beef Management00000
ACC 466Advanced Business Data Management00000
AGR 312Managerial Accounting For Agricultural Producers00000
AGR 317Food Industry Marketing & Strategic Management00000
ACC 239Income Tax Planning00000
ACC 334Advanced Tax00000
ACC 473Integrated Business Processes in an Enterprise System00000
AGR 319Agricultural Policies And Programs00000
AGR 390Program Planning and Evaluation in Agricultural Education00000
AGR 170Introduction To Animal Science00000
AGR 395Professional Seminar In Agriculture Education00000
ACC 366Advanced Business Data Management00000
AGR 409Beef Management00000
AGR 201Resources, Food & Society: A Global Perspective00000
AGR 422International Trade Of Agricultural Products00000
ACC 263Accounting Information Systems00000
AGR 446Organic Crop Production00000
AGR 214Agriculture Marketing00000
AGR 491Foundations of Agricultural Education00000
ACC 382Information Systems Auditing and Cybersecurity00000
ANT 102Human Origins: An Introduction to Biological Anthropology an...00000
AGR 225Renewable Energy & Agriculture00000
ANT 197Lost Continents and Alien Pyramids00000
ACC 232Intermediate Accounting II00000
ANT 278Introduction To Asian America00000
AGR 251Forage Management00000
ANT 291Undergraduate Teaching Experience In Anthropology00000
ACC 420Programming for Data Science00000
ANT 303Latin America In Ethnographic Perspective00000
AGR 256Landscape Plants II00000
ANT 351Midwestern Archeology00000
ACC 287Independent Study00000
ANT 379Symbols In American Culture00000
AGR 272Agricultural Genetics00000
ANT 384North American Archaeology00000
ACC 435Auditing Issues And Cases00000
ANT 393Primate Behavior and Evolution00000
AGR 285Meat Science00000
ANT 401Advanced Archaeological Analysis Of Prehistoric Materials00000
ACC 168Internet And Presentation Tools00000
ANT 461Social Theory00000
AGR 291Undergraduate Teaching Experiences In Agriculture00000
ANT 484Advanced North American Archaeology00000
ACC 440Electronic Commerce Management00000
AGR 324Commodity Futures And Options00000
ACC 497Introduction To Research Methodology00000
AGR 326Small Ruminant Management00000
AGR 346Organic Crop Production00000
ACC 337Advanced Financial Accounting00000
AGR 109Introduction To The Agricultural Industry00000
AGR 353Landscape Design00000