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Iona Course Reviews

Iona College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CHM 311Physical Chemistry Lab 100000
CHM 109General Chemistry 100000
CHM 114General Chemistry Recitation 200000
CHM 125Criminalistics Laboratory 100000
CHM 135Science and Superheroes00000
CHM 145Fundamentals of Chemistry00000
CHM 210Organic Chemistry II00000
CHM 221Organic Chemistry Laboratory II00000
CHM 309Physical Chemistry 100000
CHM 492Special Topics00000
CHM 321Biochemistry I00000
CHM 323Biochemical Methods Laboratory00000
CHM 400Nanoscience00000
CHM 409Computational Chemistry00000
CHM 422Biochemistry 200000
CHM 430Internship in Chemistry00000
CHM 450Seminar00000
CHM 493Special Topics: Subtopic00000
CHM 310Physical Chemistry 200000
CHM 110General Chemistry 200000
CHM 112General Chemistry II Without Lab00000
CHM 115Chemistry and the Environment00000
CHM 130Chemistry of Food00000
CHM 140Chemistry of Emotions00000
CHM 209Organic Chemistry I00000
CHM 220Organic Chemistry Laboratory I00000
CHM 222Analytical Chemistry00000
CHM 101Introduction to Chemistry00000
CHM 312Physical Chemistry Lab 200000
CHM 322Instrumental Analysis00000
CHM 327Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry00000
CHM 420Biochemistry Laboratory00000
CHM 425Chemical Safety00000
CHM 441Research 100000
CHM 442Research 200000