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Iona Course Reviews

Iona College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ENT 200Introduction to Entrepreneurship & Innovation: Practice & Mi...00000
ENT 603Financing and Sustaining your Entrepreneurial Venture00000
ENT 500Entrepreneurship & Innovation in the 21st Century00000
ENT 401Entrepreneurial Internship00000
ENT 398Special Topics In Entrepreneurship And Innovation00000
ENT 309The Art of Curating00000
ENT 308How to Master Your Pitch and Other High Stakes Presentations00000
ENT 306Technology and Innovation00000
ENT 304Pop-up Social Enterprise00000
ENT 301Introduction to Ideation and Design Thinking00000
ENT 201Ethics and Entrepreneurial Leadership00000
ENT 702Studio Course00000
ENT 602Business Modeling00000
ENT 402Entrepreneurship in Practice00000
ENT 399Special Topics In Entrepreneurship And Innovation00000
ENT 310Real Estate and Entrepreneurial Strategies00000
ENT 307Entrepreneurship and the Law00000
ENT 305Intellectual Property in Entrepreneurship and Innovation00000
ENT 303Social Entrepreneurship, Civic Engagement & Community Develo...00000
ENT 302Introduction to Business Modeling00000