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IPFW Course Reviews

Indiana University - Purdue University Fort Wayne

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
EDU 34001Education & American Culture00000
EDU 44500Meth Teach Forgn Lang00000
EDU 44300Meth Teach Hs So/St00000
EDU 42600Student Teaching:Early Childhd00000
EDU 41000Trends&Issues Specl Ed00000
EDU 40101Crit Reading/Cont Area00000
EDU 40001Man & Env:Instl Method00000
EDU 37500Classroom & Community Leadrshp00000
EDU 37100Language Arts And Reading II00000
EDU 36900Culture Multilingual Lit Ed00000
EDU 35201Ed Of Chld W/Lrn Disbl00000
EDU 34900Tchg/Lrng All Young Children I00000
EDU 34600Guidance Of Young Children00000
EDU 44800Meth Teach H S Math00000
EDU 33700Classrm Learng Environ00000
EDU 33301Art Exper Elem Teach00000
EDU 33001Found Art Educ & Methods I00000
EDU 32300Teach Of Mus Elem Sch00000
EDU 30600Tching Stds Sp Needs Sec Cl Rm00000
EDU 30100Laboratory/Field Experience00000
EDU 25000Educational Psychology00000
EDU 22200EC Multilingual Learners00000
EDU 20002Using Cmptrs In Educ00000
EDU 20000Examining Self As Teacher00000
EDU 69500Practcm Ed Leadership00000
EDU 62400Educ Ldrshp: Principalshp K-1200000
EDU 53200Intro To Group Counsel00000
EDU 63800Pub Schl Persnl Mgmt00000
EDU 62000Wksp On Sel Prob In Ed Ldrship00000
EDU 60000Prob In School Admin00000
EDU 59501Practicum In Special Educ00000
EDU 59000Rsch In Counsel & Guid00000
EDU 57500Multicultural Counsel00000
EDU 56700Marriage & Family Counseling00000
EDU 56400Child & Adolescent Counseling00000
EDU 56200School Counseling00000
EDU 55200Career Couns-Theory & Pract00000
EDU 55000Intrnshp In Counseling00000
EDU 53600Mthd And Interv For Mild Disab00000
EDU 60800Legal Perspect On Educ00000
EDU 52502Char And Tech In Spec Educ00000
EDU 52400Pract In Counseling00000
EDU 51500Ed Ldrshp: Tchr Develop & Eval00000
EDU 51000School-Comm Relat00000
EDU 50501Intro To Spec Ed00000
EDU 50301Intro To EDU Research00000
EDU 50100Laboratory/Field Experience00000
EDU 50001Intro To Ed Leadership00000
EDU 48000Stdnt Teach Sec/Sch00000
EDU 47400Undrgr Sem In Music Ed00000
EDU 46500Srv Del Sys&Cons Strat00000
EDU 45000Child Development Seminar00000
EDU 33800Administration Of EC Programs00000
EDU 43000Found Of Art Educ & Meth II00000
EDU 42500Std Teach: Elem Sch00000
EDU 40500Middle & Jr High Schl00000
EDU 40100Laboratory/Field Experience00000
EDU 40000General Studies Capstone00000
EDU 37101Asmnt &Ind Inst/Rdg Ma00000
EDU 37001Intro Learning Disabilities00000
EDU 37000Language Arts & Reading I00000
EDU 35500Early Childhood Mental Health00000
EDU 35200Emergent Curriculum Methods00000
EDU 34700Lng Art Early Chldhood00000
EDU 34300Math In Elem School00000
EDU 44301Tchng Elem Sch Math Prob Solv00000
EDU 33500Intro To Earl Chd Educ00000
EDU 33300Inquiry In Math & Sci00000
EDU 32700EC Soc St Mthds/Family Studies00000
EDU 32800Science In Elem Sch00000
EDU 32500Soc St In Elem Sch00000
EDU 31700ECE Practicum I00000
EDU 31500Child Development00000
EDU 30500Tch Excpt Learn El Sch00000
EDU 30000EC Dual Language Learn & Lit00000
EDU 24900Early Childhood Development00000
EDU 20100Laboratory/Field Experience00000
EDU 20001Intro Scientif Inquiry00000
EDU 52000Educ And Soc Issues00000
EDU 59901Master Thesis Spec Ed00000
EDU 59001Research In Counseling & Guid00000
EDU 58000Addictions & Trauma Counseling00000
EDU 57001Building Classroom Communities00000
EDU 56500Collaboratn & Serv Del00000
EDU 56300Found Mntl Hlth Couns00000
EDU 55300Clsrm Mgt & Bhvr Supt00000
EDU 55100Adv Intern In Counsel00000
EDU 54200Org & Devel/Couns Prgm00000
EDU 53501Asmnt & Eval Method Mild Disab00000
EDU 52700Diagnosis Counseling00000
EDU 52501Adv Counseling Pract00000
EDU 10100Laboratory/Field Experience00000
EDU 51400Life Spn Dvlp:Brth-Dth00000
EDU 50700Assessment Theory And Practice00000
EDU 50400Counsl Theory/Tech II00000
EDU 50300Couns Theo/Tech I00000
EDU 50003Special Projects Part II00000
EDU 48200Stu Teach: All Grades00000
EDU 47900Meth In Dent Hlt Ed00000
EDU 47500Adolescent Dev & Classroom Mgt00000
EDU 47000Early Childhood 3-500000
EDU 45300Mgmt Of Acad & Soc Behv00000
EDU 44900Meth Teach HS Sci00000
EDU 44700Methods Of Teach Sec English00000