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ISU Course Reviews

Iowa State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ENGL 314Technical Communication4.542.53.52
ENGL 250Written, Oral, Visual, and Electronic Composition54451
ENGL 313Rhetorical Website Design52551
ENGL 505User Experience Architecture and Testing for Advanced Commun...00000
ENGL 477Seminar in Technical Communication00000
ENGL 237Survey of Film History00000
ENGL 14AIeop Grammar:Beginr00000
ENGL 526Computer-Assisted Language Learning00000
ENGL 555Workshop: Nonfiction00000
ENGL 557Studies in Creative Writing00000
ENGL 319XStu Languag&Divrsty00000
ENGL 420History of the English Language00000
ENGL 207Introduction to Creative Writing00000
ENGL 490DIndependent Study: Criticism and Theory of Literature00000
ENGL 12CIeop Writing:Intrmd00000
ENGL 517XCorpus Linguistics00000
ENGL 303Free-Lance Writing for Popular Magazines00000
ENGL 536Preparing Publishable Thesis Chapters00000
ENGL 623Research Methods in Applied Linguistics00000
ENGL 590CSpecial Topics: Composition and Rhetoric00000
ENGL 14CIeop Grammar:Intrmd00000
ENGL 10CIntensive English00000
ENGL 324Introduction to Teaching ESL Literacy00000
ENGL 17Ieop Exit Technolgy00000
ENGL 339Literary Theory and Criticism00000
ENGL 349Topics in Multicultural Literatures of the United States00000
ENGL 415Business and Technical Editing00000
ENGL 180CCommunication Skills for International Teaching Assistants:...00000
ENGL 440Seminar in British Literature00000
ENGL 12AIeop Writing:Beginr00000
ENGL 490BIndependent Study: Linguistics00000
ENGL 225Survey of British Literature to 180000000
ENGL 500Teaching Multimodal Composition00000
ENGL 592ACore Studies: Rhetoric00000
ENGL 512Second Language Acquisition00000
ENGL 260Introduction to Literary Study00000
ENGL 522Literary Theory and Criticism00000
ENGL 13AIeop Listn-Spk:Begn00000
ENGL 531Topics in the Study of Literature00000
ENGL 308Write Like a Woman00000
ENGL 549Multimedia and Interaction Design00000
ENGL 560Environmental Field Experience00000
ENGL 587Internship in Business, Technical, and Professional Communic...00000
ENGL 316Creative Writing: Playwriting00000
ENGL 318Introduction to ESL methods and materials00000
ENGL 688Practicum in Technology and Applied Linguistics00000
ENGL 321XNovel Solu Lang Lrn00000
ENGL 15Ieop Exit Acad Skil00000
ENGL 330Science Fiction00000
ENGL 586Visual Rhetoric in Professional Communication00000
ENGL 346American Indian Literature00000
ENGL 19Ieop Busnss Read-Wr00000
ENGL 11CIeop Reading:Intmed00000
ENGL 352Gay and Lesbian Literature00000
ENGL 99SNonnative Speaking00000
ENGL 354World Literature: Seventeenth Century to the Present00000
ENGL 362Studies in 19th Century American Literature00000
ENGL 404Creative Writing Workshop: Fiction00000
ENGL 150Critical Thinking and Communication00000
ENGL 417EStudent Teaching: English and Literature00000
ENGL 11BIeop Readg:Lo-Intmd00000
ENGL 425Second Language Learning and Teaching00000
ENGL 180DCommunication Skills for International Teaching Assistants:...00000
ENGL 445Seminar: Literature Crossing Boundaries00000
ENGL 590ESpecial Topics: Rhetoric and Professional Communication00000
ENGL 490AIndependent Study: Literature00000
ENGL 219Introduction to Linguistics00000
ENGL 490CIndependent Study: Rhetoric, Teaching of Composition00000
ENGL 12BIeop Writ:Lo-Intrmd00000
ENGL 493Advanced Creative Writing Workshop—Multi-Genre00000
ENGL 227Survey of American Literature to 186500000
ENGL 503Composition Theory00000
ENGL 556Workshop: Poetry00000
ENGL 510Introduction to Computers in Applied Linguistics00000
ENGL 250HWritten, Oral, Visual, and Electronic Composition: Honors00000
ENGL 514Sociolinguistics00000
ENGL 13CIeop Listn-Spk:Intm00000
ENGL 520Computational Analysis of English00000
ENGL 302HBusiness Communication: Honors00000
ENGL 524Literacy: Issues and Methods for Nonnative Speakers of Engli...00000
ENGL 602CResearch Methods in Rhetoric, Composition, and Professional...00000
ENGL 528English for Specific Purposes00000
ENGL 305Creative Writing: Nonfiction00000
ENGL 534American Literature 1865 to the Present00000
ENGL 13BIeop List-Spk:Lo-In00000
ENGL 540Drama00000
ENGL 310Rhetorical Analysis00000
ENGL 552XWkshp:Scriptwriting00000
ENGL 547The History of Rhetorical Theory I: From Plato to Bacon00000
ENGL 562Topics in the Study of Film00000
ENGL 314HTechnical Communication: Honors00000
ENGL 590ASpecial Topics: Literature00000
ENGL 14BIeop Grammar:Lo-Int00000
ENGL 591EDirected Readings: Rhetoric and Professional Communication00000
ENGL 14FIeop Grammar:Advanc00000
ENGL 319Studies in Language and Diversity00000
ENGL 562XTopics Stdy Of Film00000
ENGL 320XTopc Linguist Struc00000
ENGL 14DIeop Grammar:Hi-Int00000
ENGL 322Language and Society00000
ENGL 10BIntensive English00000
ENGL 325Teaching Methods for ESL Learners: Oral Communication Skills00000
ENGL 16Ieop Exit Orientatn00000
ENGL 335Studies in Film00000
ENGL 550Creative Writing: Craft and Professional Practice00000
ENGL 345Women and Literature: Selected Topics00000
ENGL 18Ieop Busnss List-Sp00000
ENGL 347Studies in African American Literature00000
ENGL 10Intensive English00000
ENGL 350Rhetorical Traditions00000
ENGL 20Ieop Optionl Semnar00000
ENGL 353World Literature: Western Foundations through Renaissance00000
ENGL 588Supervised Practice Teaching in Teaching English as a Second...00000
ENGL 355Literature and the Environment00000
ENGL 99RNonnative Reading00000
ENGL 11DIeop Read:Hi-Intrmd00000
ENGL 370Shakespeare00000
ENGL 101CEnglish for Native Speakers of Other Languages: Academic Eng...00000
ENGL 373Studies in British Literature: The Middle Ages00000
ENGL 389Postcolonial Literature00000
ENGL 397Practice and Theory of Teaching Writing in the Secondary Sch...00000
ENGL 120Computers and Language00000
ENGL 411Technology, Rhetoric, and Professional Communication00000
ENGL 11EIeop Reading: High00000
ENGL 416Visual Aspects of Business and Technical Communication00000
ENGL 180ACommunication Skills for International Teaching Assistants:...00000
ENGL 418Seminar in Argumentation00000
ENGL 590GSpecial Topics: Applied Linguistics and Technology00000
ENGL 422Women, Men, and the English Language00000
ENGL 180BCommunication Skills for International Teaching Assistants:...00000
ENGL 437Grammatical Analysis00000
ENGL 11FIeop Reading:Advanc00000
ENGL 441Seminar in American Literature00000
ENGL 201Introduction to Literature00000
ENGL 450Seminar in Literary Genres00000
ENGL 554Workshop: Fiction00000
ENGL 487Internship in Business, Technical, and Professional Communic...00000
ENGL 214Introduction to Technical Communication00000
ENGL 490EIndependent Study: Instructional Methods and Research00000
ENGL 12EIeop Writing: High00000
ENGL 490FIndependent Study: Creative Writing00000
ENGL 220Descriptive English Grammar00000
ENGL 490GIndependent Study: Business/Technical Communication00000
ENGL 591GDirected Readings: Applied Linguistics and Technology00000
ENGL 490HIndependent Study: Honors00000
ENGL 226Survey of British Literature since 180000000
ENGL 494Practice and Theory of Teaching Literature in the Secondary...00000
ENGL 12FIeop Writing:Advanc00000
ENGL 501Introduction to Research in Rhetoric, Composition, and Profe...00000
ENGL 228Survey of American Literature since 186500000
ENGL 504Teaching Advanced Communication00000
ENGL 542Document Design and Editing00000
ENGL 506Professional Communication Theory00000
ENGL 240Introduction to American Indian Literature00000
ENGL 511Introduction to Linguistic Analysis00000
ENGL 12DIeop Writ:Hi Intrmd00000
ENGL 513Language Assessment Practicum00000
ENGL 101DEnglish for Native Speakers of Other Languages: Academic Eng...00000
ENGL 393The History of Children's Literature00000
ENGL 516Methods of Formal Linguistic Analysis00000
ENGL 599Creative Component00000
ENGL 519Second Language Assessment00000
ENGL 275Analysis of Popular Culture Texts00000
ENGL 521Teaching of Literature and the Literature Curriculum00000
ENGL 13DIeop List-Spk:Hi-In00000
ENGL 523Introduction to Old English Language and Literature00000
ENGL 302Business Communication00000
ENGL 525Research and Teaching of Second Language Pronunciation00000
ENGL 558Teaching Creative Writing00000
ENGL 527Discourse Analysis00000
ENGL 304Creative Writing: Fiction00000
ENGL 530Technology and Oral Language00000
ENGL 13EIeop Listen-Spk: Hi00000
ENGL 533British Literature to 183000000
ENGL 306Creative Writing: Poetry00000
ENGL 535British Literature 1830 to the Present00000
ENGL 603Seminar in Composition Theory00000
ENGL 538Fiction00000
ENGL 309Proposal and Report Writing00000
ENGL 543The Study of Environmental Literature00000
ENGL 13FIeop Listen-Spk:Adv00000
ENGL 551Master Workshop00000
ENGL 312Biological Communication00000
ENGL 536XPrep Pub Thsis Chpt00000
ENGL 559Creative Writing Teaching Internship00000
ENGL 395AStudy and Travel: Literature00000
ENGL 569Grant Writing00000
ENGL 14EIeop Grammar: High00000
ENGL 589Supervised Practicum in Literary Editing00000
ENGL 315Creative Writing: Screenplays00000
ENGL 590BSpecial Topics: Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL)...00000
ENGL 630Seminar in Applied Linguistics00000
ENGL 318XIntro Esl Mthds&Mat00000
ENGL 532American Literature to 186500000
ENGL 537Corpus Approaches to Grammatical Analysis00000
ENGL 552Workshop: Scriptwriting00000
ENGL 590FSpecial Topics: Creative Writing00000
ENGL 11AIeop Reading:Beginr00000
ENGL 101BEnglish for Native Speakers of Other Languages: Academic Eng...00000
ENGL 396Teaching the Reading of Young Adult Literature00000