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ISU Course Reviews

Iowa State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
SE 185Problem Solving in Software Engineering4.544.552
SE 494Software Engineering Portfolio Development00000
SE 101Software Engineering Orientation00000
SE 491Senior Design Project I and Professionalism00000
SE 490Independent Study00000
SE 421Software Analysis and Verification for Safety and Security00000
SE 417Software Testing00000
SE 409Software Requirements Engineering00000
SE 396Summer Internship00000
SE 342Principles of Programming Languages00000
SE 329Software Project Management00000
SE 317Introduction to Software Testing00000
SE 186XProb Solv In S E II00000
SE 166Careers in Software Engineering00000
SE 492Senior Design Project II00000
SE 421XSftwre Safety Analy00000
SE 419Software Tools for Large Scale Data Analysis00000
SE 412Formal Methods in Software Engineering00000
SE 398Cooperative Education (Co-op)00000
SE 362Object-Oriented Analysis and Design00000
SE 339Software Architecture and Design00000
SE 319Construction of User Interfaces00000
SE 309Software Development Practices00000