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IU Course Reviews

Indiana University Bloomington

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BIOCB 511Duplicating And Expressing The Genome00000
BIOCB 522Structural Biology Of Supramolecular Complexes00000
BIOCB 530Macromolecular Structure And Function00000
BIOCB 540Fundamentals Of Biochemical Catalysis00000
BIOCB 680Special Topics In Biochemistry00000
BIOCB 502Analysis Of Biochemical Literature00000
BIOCB 513Cellular Responses To Dna Damage00000
BIOCB 525Membranes And Membrane Proteins00000
BIOCB 541Enzyme Mechanisms00000
BIOCB 600Seminar In Biochemistry00000
BIOCB 512Biochemical Mechanisms Of Dna Repair00000
BIOCB 524Structural Biology Of Signaling00000
BIOCB 531Biomolecular Analysis And Interaction00000
BIOCB 580Introduction To Biochemical Research00000
BIOCB 880Research: Biochemistry00000