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Ivy Tech Bloomington Course Reviews

Ivy Tech Community College, Bloomington

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ENGL 095Integrated Reading and Writing 2nd 8 weeks Blended Tradition...00000
ENGL 240Children's Literature, Springs Valley High School DUAL CREDI...00000
ENGL 250English Grammar00000
ENGL 075Co-Requisite Integrated Reading & Writing On campus course00000
ENGL 111English Composition On campus course00000
ENGL 112Exposition and Persuasion 1st 8 weeks00000
ENGL 202Creative Writing 1st 8 weeks Blended Traditional00000
ENGL 203Advanced Creative Writing Virtual Instruction with asynchron...00000
ENGL 206Introduction to Literature 2nd 8 weeks Learn Anywhere ASAP O...00000
ENGL 211Technical Writing Virtual Instruction with asynchronous comp...00000
ENGL 214Introduction to Poetry 1st 8 weeks Hybrid00000
ENGL 215Rhetoric and Argument 1st 8 weeks On Campus Course00000
ENGL 222American Literature to 1865-West Washington HS DUAL CREDIT00000
ENGL 223American Literature After 1865, Bloomfield High School DUAL...00000
ENGL 227Introduction to World Fiction 1st 8 weeks00000
ENGL 249Linguistics00000