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Ivy Tech Gary Course Reviews

Ivy Tech Community College, Gary

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CRIM 104Victimology 1st 8 weeks ONLINE00000
CRIM 280Internship Warsaw Virtual 16 weeks Program Chair Approval Re...00000
CRIM 271Terrorism 1st 8 weeks ONLINE00000
CRIM 252Juvenile Delinquency 2nd 8 weeks ONLINE00000
CRIM 230Community-Based Corrections 2nd 8 weeks ONLINE00000
CRIM 216Comm.&Conflict Mgmt-CrimJust 16 Wks Learn Anywhere00000
CRIM 211Criminal Law-Learn Anywhere, on campus with virtual option-2...00000
CRIM 205Procedural Criminal Law 1st 8 weeks ONLINE00000
CRIM 201Ethics in Criminal Justice00000
CRIM 155Intro to Cyber Forensics 1st 8 weeks ONLINE00000
CRIM 134Intro to Crim.Justice Careers00000
CRIM 130Introduction to Corrections00000
CRIM 117Introduction to Forensics00000
CRIM 113Criminal Investigation00000
CRIM 111Intro. Traffic Enforcement 2nd 8 weeks ONLINE00000
CRIM 106Introduction to Serial Killers Warsaw Virtual 1st 8 weeks00000
CRIM 101Intro Criminal Justice Systems00000
CRIM 103Cultural Awareness00000
CRIM 260Research Methods Criminal Justice Warsaw Virtual 2nd 8 weeks00000
CRIM 242The Death Penalty 2nd 8 weeks ONLINE00000
CRIM 220Criminal Evidence 1st 8 weeks ONLINE00000
CRIM 215Police Admin & Organization 2nd 8 weeks ONLINE00000
CRIM 210Policing & Community Relations, Learn Anywhere-on Campus, St...00000
CRIM 204Interview and Interrogation 1st 8 weeks ONLINE00000
CRIM 171Drugs and Justice 16 Wks Learn Anywhere00000
CRIM 150Juvenile Justice Systems00000
CRIM 120Introduction to Courts Warsaw Virtual 16 weeks00000
CRIM 114Introduction to Security 2nd 8 weeks ONLINE00000
CRIM 112Public Safety Dispatching00000
CRIM 110Introduction to Law Enforcement 2nd 8wks Blended Primarily T...00000
CRIM 105Introduction to Criminology-Learn Anywhere, on campus with v...00000