Ivy Tech Michigan City Must-KnowsIvy Tech Michigan City Course Reviews Ivy Tech Community College, Michigan CitySearch CourseSearch CourseDepartmentsAPHYDepartments LevelLevel CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descendingAPHY 101Anatomy and Physiology I 1st 8 weeks00000APHY 201Advanced Human Physiology00000APHY 102Anatomy and Physiology II (Virtual Instruction) 2nd 8 weeks00000Sort bySort byAPHY 101Anatomy and Physiology I 1st 8 weeksOverall0Easiness0Usefulness0Reviews0APHY 201Advanced Human PhysiologyOverall0Easiness0Usefulness0Reviews0APHY 102Anatomy and Physiology II (Virtual Instruction) 2nd 8 weeksOverall0Easiness0Usefulness0Reviews0