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Ivy Tech Michigan City Course Reviews

Ivy Tech Community College, Michigan City

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MATH 023Essentials of Algebra (Virtual Instruction) 1st 8 weeks00000
MATH 043Intermediate Algebra (Virtual Instruction) 2nd 8 weeks00000
MATH 080Mathematic Principles (Virtual Instruction) (must also enrol...00000
MATH 100Intermediate Algebra00000
MATH 122Applied Technical Mathematics Hybrid (some content online)00000
MATH 123Quantitative Reasoning (Virtual Instruction) 1st 8 weeks00000
MATH 135Finite Math Michigan City 1st 8 weeks00000
MATH 136College Algebra (Virtual instruction)00000
MATH 137Trig with Analytic Geometry Michigan City 2nd 8 weeks00000
MATH 141Mathematics for Elementary Teachers Hybrid (some content onl...00000
MATH 200Statistics (virtual instruction) 1st 8 weeks00000
MATH 201Brief Calculus I Michigan City 1st 8 weeks00000
MATH 202Brief Calculus II Michigan City 2nd 8 weeks00000
MATH 211Calculus I Michigan City 1st 8 weeks00000
MATH 212Calculus II Michigan City 2nd 8 weeks00000