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Ivy Tech Muncie Course Reviews

Ivy Tech Community College, Muncie

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ECED 101Health, Safety Nutrition for Children 2nd 8 weeks Muncie onl...00000
ECED 260Early Childhood Professional SERV LRNG ) Presentations Arr L...00000
ECED 243Cognitive Curriculum 32 Hrs Field Exp Req 2nd 8 weeks Learn...00000
ECED 233Emerging Literacy 32 hrs field exp reqd 1st 8 weeks Learn An...00000
ECED 225Infant Toddler Practicum Placement occurs prior to December...00000
ECED 216Curriculum Planing for ECE 1st 8 weeks Muncie Online00000
ECED 210Early Childhood Administration 2nd 8 weeks Virtual Instructi...00000
ECED 130Devlpmt Appropriate Guidance-Field Exp. Reqd-1st 8-Virtual I...00000
ECED 111Environments for Infant/Toddler 1st 8 weeks Muncie online00000
ECED 105CDA Process-2nd 8 wks-Field Exp. Required-Virtual Instructio...00000
ECED 100Intro Early Childhood Education 1st 8 weeks Virtual Instruct...00000
ECED 255Generalist Practicum Placement occurs priot to December Virt...00000
ECED 235Preschool Practicum Placement occurs prior to December Virtu...00000
ECED 230The Exceptional Child 1st 8 weeks Virtual Instruction00000
ECED 218Leadership & Mentoring in ECE-Field Exp. Reqd-2nd 8 wks-Virt...00000
ECED 204Families in Transition (SERV LRNG) 2nd 8 weeks Virtual Instr...00000
ECED 120Child Growth & Development-Field Exp. Reqd-2nd 8 wks-Virtual...00000
ECED 110Infant/Toddler Growth and Development 1st 8 weeks Muncie Onl...00000
ECED 103Curriculum Early Childhood-32 Hrs Field Exp Req 2nd 8 weeks...00000