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JCCC Course Reviews

Johnson County Community College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CJ 221Forensic Science and Crime Scene Investigation00000
CJ 291Independent Study00000
CJ 275Police Leadership00000
CJ 235Community Based Corrections00000
CJ 230Criminal Behavior00000
CJ 223The World of Crime00000
CJ 130Crime Prevention00000
CJ 124Criminal Justice and Corrections00000
CJ 122Police Operations00000
CJ 292Special Topics: Policing Strategies00000
CJ 285Criminal Justice Internship00000
CJ 255Ethics and Criminal Justice00000
CJ 228Criminal Justice Communications00000
CJ 121Introduction to Criminal Justice System00000
CJ 215Understanding Terrorism00000
CJ 201Police Interrogation00000
CJ 180Correctional Casework00000
CJ 170Drugs and Crime00000
CJ 154Fund Criminal Investigation00000
CJ 150Criminal Procedure00000
CJ 148Physical and Sexual Violence within the Family00000
CJ 143Crime Analysis00000
CJ 141Criminal Law00000
CJ 133Juvenile Behavior00000
CJ 127Criminology00000