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JCCC Course Reviews

Johnson County Community College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
HPER 186Fitness Assessment44441
HPER 200First Aid and CPR00000
HPER 155Ballet (Beginning)00000
HPER 158Jazz Dance (Beginning)00000
HPER 174Coaching and Officiating of Track and Field00000
HPER 176Self Defense I00000
HPER 187CPAT (Candidate Physical Ability Test) Fitness Preparation00000
HPER 192Wellness for Life00000
HPER 195Introduction to Sports Medicine00000
HPER 140Modern Dance (Beginning)00000
HPER 204Care and Prevention of Athletic Injury00000
HPER 209Introduction to Kinesiology00000
HPER 215Introduction to Exercise Science00000
HPER 224Outdoor Recreation00000
HPER 240Lifetime Fitness I00000
HPER 241Lifetime Fitness II00000
HPER 250Introduction to Sports Management00000
HPER 292Special Topics: Fitness Trends00000
HPER 225Coaching Principles: Coaching Teams and Individuals for Succ...00000
HPER 115Soccer00000
HPER 118Power Volleyball (Intermediate)00000
HPER 130Running Awareness and Exercise00000
HPER 135Weight Training (Intermediate)00000
HPER 202Personal Community Health00000
HPER 208Intro/Exercise Physiology00000
HPER 211Foundation of Fitness Training00000
HPER 220Sports Officiating00000
HPER 101Basketball (Intermediate)00000
HPER 245Elementary Physical Education00000
HPER 255Introduction to Physical Education00000
HPER 100Basketball (Beginning)00000
HPER 104Yoga00000
HPER 117Power Volleyball (Beginning)00000
HPER 124Tai Chi I00000
HPER 134Weight Training (Beginning)00000
HPER 139Pickleball00000