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JMU Course Reviews

James Madison University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
SOWK 467Social Work Practice in Macro Systems54441
SOWK 466Social Work Practice in Micro Systems00000
SOWK 499CHonors00000
SOWK 494Professional Forum II: Transition to Professional Practice00000
SOWK 487Special Topics00000
SOWK 481Sw Field Practicum I00000
SOWK 450Palliative And Hospice Care: An Interdisciplinary Approach00000
SOWK 372Sowk Pract With Aged00000
SOWK 338Issues and Policies in Family Services00000
SOWK 330Corrections00000
SOWK 320Human Behavior in the Social Environment00000
SOWK 302Workshops in Social Work00000
SOWK 287Intro to Social Work00000
SOWK 499Honors00000
SOWK 499AHonors00000
SOWK 490Special Studies00000
SOWK 288Human Rights, Social, Economic and Environmental Justice00000
SOWK 387Working With Teens00000
SOWK 342Child Welfare Services00000
SOWK 335Social Policy00000
SOWK 327Substance Use Interventions00000
SOWK 317Skills for Generalist Social Work00000
SOWK 301Workshops in Social Work00000
SOWK 499BHonors00000
SOWK 493Professional Forum I: Preparation for Field00000
SOWK 482Sw Field Practicum II00000
SOWK 465Social Work Practice in Mezzo Systems00000
SOWK 375Grant Writing for Agencies00000
SOWK 340Violence In Families00000
SOWK 332Community Mental Health Practice00000
SOWK 325Parent-Child Relationships Across the Lifespan00000
SOWK 305Social Work Research Methods00000